Rumor: PlayStation 3 Error 80010514 Spreading Widely

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Apr 19, 2005
The "Red Ring of Death" affecting the Xbox 360 has been a nightmare for Microsoft. It has cost lot of money to the company, as it was forced to extend the system's warranty to cover this technical problem, which is rumored to have a failure rate as high as 16%. Most systems experiencing this glitch started to fail months after they were acquired, so it remains to be seen what would be the actual consequences of the RROD.

Now, the PlayStation 3, which shipped a year after the Xbox 360, may be the next system to experience a systemic hardware failure.

Threads describing an 80010514 error for the PS3 have started to pop up in different forums across the Internet. It seems this error is associated with a malfunction of the Blu-ray Disc drive, which wouldn't come as a surprise considering this next-gen optical disc technology is relatively new and it is still being developed and improved.

Interestedly, at the time of this writing the forums are temporarily closed...

We'll have more on this as it develops.

Link to story -
May 1, 2003
From what I've found on teh PSN forums. People who get updates from various methods or from games or consoles and the updates not matching their region get these errors. I only update my PS3 from the system itself. Fuck a download from a website...and definitely not from any game disc. New PS3 firmware 2.30 coming next week.
Apr 19, 2005
Looks like you might be correct..

Game Revolver contacted Sony Support and was told, "The code is not common, and a simple reset of the system and restoral of factory settings should do the trick." However, the writer, Steriotyp, said that this failed to fix the error, which he or she was told is caused by one of two things: The first is a faulty sector on the internal hard drive, and the second is a faulty installation of software or firmware.

The article offers advice on how to avoid the issue, including ensuring that the Internet connection is stable, dusting the machine regularly, and following instructions on installing software and firmware to the letter.

Other users appear to have received error 80010514 after mistakenly installing firmware meant for another region--for example, putting a North American update on a European console.

GameSpot UK contacted Sony Europe to ask about the issue, and a spokesperson said, "I've spoken to our customer-services department, and they aren't aware of this issue with the PS3."
May 9, 2002
From what I've found on teh PSN forums. People who get updates from various methods or from games or consoles and the updates not matching their region get these errors. I only update my PS3 from the system itself. Fuck a download from a website...and definitely not from any game disc. New PS3 firmware 2.30 coming next week.
Damn, they got ANOTHER update? I have to hand it to PS3, they have been on top of their updates...
May 1, 2003
^^^There's a new store. And some other stuff we don't know about yet. The store is down until the 17th. Lots of speculation going on about what's coming.
May 9, 2002
^^^There's a new store. And some other stuff we don't know about yet. The store is down until the 17th. Lots of speculation going on about what's coming.
Very nice. I think they need to expand their PSOne DL inventory...there are a fewe games i want from ther PSOne that they dont have. Also, it would be sick to be able to DL PS2 games as well. Oh well, i can dream, right?