Rubbing one out while driving = bad idea

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May 13, 2002
Sex act fatal crash driver jailed

A drink-driver who killed a father and son in a motorway crash was performing a sex act on himself minutes before the collision, a court heard.

Imran Hussain was driving at speeds of up to 120mph minutes before he ploughed into the back of a Fiat Punto carrying the Proctor family, from Wakefield.

Gary Proctor, 47, and son James, 16, died in the smash on the M62 motorway near Rochdale, on 3 August.

Hussain, of Bradford, was jailed for eight years at Manchester Crown Court.

Death threat

The 32-year-old, of Como Avenue, pleaded guilty to two counts of causing death by dangerous driving and one count of driving with excess alcohol at a previous hearing.

The court heard that Hussain's erect penis was exposed when motorists came to his aid after the crash. This man has taken Catherine Proctor's entire family away from her in one fell swoop

Sgt Phil Robinson
Greater Manchester Police

Judge Andrew Blake told him: "At the least it must have been a symptom you were not giving your full attention to driving."

He sentenced him to eight years for each of the two counts of causing death by dangerous driving, to be served concurrently.

Hussain, a car dealer and father-of-four, was also banned from driving for 15 years.

Prosecutor Andrew Nuttall said Hussain had rowed with his wife hours before the crash and left the family home on Como Avenue for a night out with friends in Leeds.

He later stopped at a service station in Leeds in the early hours, where he was described as "staggering and clearly drunk".

When challenged about ripping open a bag of crisps, he told the cashier: "I'll find out where you live and will kill you."
The Proctors were on their way to catch a flight to the US

Police examined his mobile phone and discovered that he had called directory inquiries to request the number of an escort agency about 30 minutes before the crash.

Mr Nuttall said he called the agency - which provides female escorts on an hourly basis - but it was closed.

He said: "His attempts to contact the agency and the finding of him with an erect penis out of his trousers indicates that he was sexually excited and clearly handling his penis whilst he was driving and at the time of the collision."

Hussain's erratic driving in his Audi Q7 was reported to police by three groups of concerned motorists minutes before the crash.

Mr Nuttall said that, moments before the collision, the vehicle was seen lane-hopping, before veering across the carriageway and into the back of the Proctors' Fiat Punto.

Several motorists stopped to help, including Christian Downard and his two friends.

Mr Nuttall said the trio went to help Hussain and saw that his penis was out of his trousers. He tried to run away and hurled abuse.

The Proctors had been travelling to Manchester Airport to fly out to Florida for a family holiday.

Mr Proctor's wife, Catherine, aged 44, survived the crash, but suffered serious rib and arm injuries.

'Life shattered'

In a statement released by police, Mrs Proctor said no words could describe the devastation her family felt.

"No-one should ever go through the nightmare I have suffered over the last four months," she said.

"My whole life has been shattered. My hopes and dreams for the future have been taken away from me and the rest of my family. We will never recover from this."

Speaking after the hearing, Sgt Phil Robinson, of Greater Manchester Police, said: "This man has taken Catherine Proctor's entire family away from her in one fell swoop.

"Not only had he got behind the wheel of his car when drunk, but he had driven so dangerously it is actually a wonder that he did not ruin anyone else's life that day."


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
LMAO @ the title alone..I havent even read it yet...BRB

AFTER read:

Damn, what an idiot..Thats too bad..It must be a crazy and unthinkable feeling to be talking to you family one sec and then literally the next second they are dead...Thats one thing I hate about life..any joe blow can take it upon themself to get rid of you at any moment...f--ked up....

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
Its British, silly! Americans have fights and arguments, Brits have rows. Jeesh.

They need to erect a monument to those who lost their lives.
Dec 17, 2004
poor players do it too:

On March 30, 2006, Griffin was involved in a car crash. Witnesses and friends stated that he was masturbating while watching a pornographic movie on a DVD in his vehicle. After the accident, Griffin entered a nearby convenience store. The store's security camera recorded video of Griffin repeatedly saying he was drunk, that he didn't have a driver's license, and pleading with the man whose SUV he crashed into, offering to buy him a new car in exchange for not calling the police. Police eventually did arrive, however, but allegedly did not require Griffin to submit to a breathalyzer test or field sobriety test. An investigation was conducted to determine if the officers violated standard protocol in light of Griffin's celebrity status.[6]

Eddie Griffin died as a result of a car crash on August 17, 2007 at about 1:30 a.m.[7] Houston police said in a report that Griffin ignored a railroad warning and went through a barrier before striking a moving train. The resulting fire burned Griffin's SUV and the side of a railcar carrying plastic granules.[7] Griffin's body was badly burned and there was no initial identification. Dental records later revealed the man was Griffin. He had more than three times the legal alcohol limit in his system when he crashed, according to an autopsy report.


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
I was reading about this in the paper the other day. I didn't want to laugh but i had to, especially the part which said Hussain had been handling his penis at the time of the crash.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Sex act fatal crash driver jailed

A drink-driver who killed a father and son in a motorway crash was performing a sex act on himself minutes before the collision, a court heard.

Imran Hussain was driving at speeds of up to 120mph minutes before he ploughed into the back of a Fiat Punto carrying the Proctor family
that dude looks like my girl's dad, LOL....they're iranian...BUT....

a DRINK DRIVER? lol.....

and LMFAO @ the bold.....he PLOUGHED into the BACK of the PROCTOR family......

who fucking wrote that article? some fuckin joker?