ok lets get doen to it, boxing is a sport i love and study, i ve been watching boxing for sooo long and have watched ROY JONES win title after title adn still stand over powering ALL of his opponent. he IS the best pound for pound fighter in the world i think when ROY killed WOODS it wasa known fact that we were dealing with someone in a league of his own but when ROY beatover the game, gutty, previously unbeaten Julio Gonzalez 174 1/4 pounds of Huntington that put every ones iffyiness of ROY to a falt and KNEW HEW WAS THE BEST POND FOR POND IN THE WORLD. the only thing you could argue is that he will not fight and wount give a straight answer to turning down the fights against Chris Eubank, Steve Collins or Nigel the Dark Destroyer Benn, y he turned them down i dont know, INTIMIDATION OR SCARED AF ANOTHER LOSS i dont know but all i know is that he is an amazing fighter and that he loves training his game cocks whenever he can. RUIZ is a good fighter, quite a bit heavier than jones but jones has foughtr against heavy hitters before. when he fought Jorge Vaca he knoecked him out in the first round (and again this was for the TITLE ) first round knock outs in a title bout are rare adn he managed to do it. he did get his GOLD medal robbed from him in the 98 olympics by a korean boxer which really gave him a hunger to do better. ROY WILL WIN THIS BOUGHT