I was a much bigger fan of SOTS when it dropped than I was in comparison to Life After Death when it did but I've listened to both rather recently multiplies times and I voted for the latter so yeah.
tough call, loved both albums back in the day, but Life After Death stood the test of time a lot more than SOTS. I still listen to Life After Death, very rare I'll slap SOTS.
back in the 90s before i had kids and was posted on the block i would have said SOS but as time went by,had kids and grew up all that baby killing talk started to sound kind of dumb.
This shit isn't even close like ThaG said to many fillers on LAD. Season of Sicc does not have one skippable track and is better then any 2cd release from any artist
Season of the Siccness. There is definitely something special about an album, when the content is some of the most bizarre to date, but registers as classic material.