Says in that article theirs been a rise in Norteno and Scrap deaths and shootings in Oakland and I saw in the lil video clip on this link mostly MS-13 tag ups in Oakland in the clip, is it mostly them ms-13 foos trying to come up now or is it just me, cuz there been a few shootings in Fresno too and its been involving ms-13 foos shooting mutts or people wearing mutt clothing. I heard some foo busted a GTA and shot some grandma to take off in the car, cuz the bitch wouldnt get out. My guess is they trying to take the bay but the cant so now they trying to fuck with the central valley anybody got any clue?
Says in that article theirs been a rise in Norteno and Scrap deaths and shootings in Oakland and I saw in the lil video clip on this link mostly MS-13 tag ups in Oakland in the clip, is it mostly them ms-13 foos trying to come up now or is it just me, cuz there been a few shootings in Fresno too and its been involving ms-13 foos shooting mutts or people wearing mutt clothing. I heard some foo busted a GTA and shot some grandma to take off in the car, cuz the bitch wouldnt get out. My guess is they trying to take the bay but the cant so now they trying to fuck with the central valley anybody got any clue?