Sorry for your loss breh. Stay strong and positive, it's times like this where your family needs you the most. R.I.P. to your Dad. I lost my nephew a while bacc to that bullshit. FUCC CANCER!
Condolences to you and your fam Rossi, I can't even imagine how you feel right now after the last few weeks. You've dealt with some super heavy shity lately breh, hang in there and keep your head up man.
I feel you man. Lost my boy last month, we lost a siccness member (your homie) and your pops. I'm at the point of "who's next?" shit sucks big time. If I lost either or both of my parents I think i'd lose it and go crazy.
Rest in peace to your pops brody I couldn't imagine losing my dad... Fuck cancer! Atleast he's not suffering from that bullshit ass disease any longer. Keep your head up homie.