My first is in endurance but not in health
My second is in richer but never in wealth
my third is in beggarwood but not in oak
my fourth is in neighbour but not in folk
my fifth is like a ring, going where it came
and my sixth is the second, exactly the same
here is an easier one if yall cant get it....
You have 100 coins but none of them are (nickels) but all 100 of the coins
total $5.00. What are those 100 coins?
What driver doesn't have a license?
What has one foot on each side and one in the middle?
My second is in richer but never in wealth
my third is in beggarwood but not in oak
my fourth is in neighbour but not in folk
my fifth is like a ring, going where it came
and my sixth is the second, exactly the same
here is an easier one if yall cant get it....
You have 100 coins but none of them are (nickels) but all 100 of the coins
total $5.00. What are those 100 coins?
What driver doesn't have a license?
What has one foot on each side and one in the middle?