@ A-Z
With all do respect, I'm in negotiations with Project Affiliated to drop on a track on "40 Ounces & A Blunt" comp. I stay in touch as much as possible with the homies. I am the one who got Moonshine Bandits on that comp. also. I am the one putting together this huge concert in Merced. I am the one.......catchy phrase....hmmm....maybe it'll be the title for a future solo......The prince of contriversey is at it again haha! one.......
In regards to that concert:
I'm the one supplying the promotional flyers, the DJ's, the location, the food.......the artists......ain't that a bitch. a lil' youngsta does alot these days.....but, my respect will be earned one day. Respect is everything........maybe one day you'll respect me. If not, it's all grave. That's how we'll leave thangs. Haci lo dejamos. Enough con las palabras homie, I'm through. latez....