Ricardo Mayorga in Wikileaks

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May 13, 2002

Protection and Blackmail of Fellow Alleged Rapist Ricardo

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¶9. (U) In September 2004, boxer Ricardo Mayorga allegedly
raped a young woman in a Managua hotel. Sensing an
opportunity to blackmail Mayorga, Ortega and the FSLN agreed
to protect the boxer in the courts if he would give the party
a large portion of his international boxing winnings and
"advertise" for Daniel in public. Mayorga agreed, and an
FSLN judge found him not guilty in December. Much of
Mayorga,s winnings now reportedly go to Ortega, and when
Mayorga fought in Chicago in August 2005, he dedicated the
fight to Daniel, wore the FSLN colors, and flashed the number
of the FSLN slot on the Nicaraguan electoral ballot
("casilla") to the international media.

¶10. (SBU) Sources: media accounts of Mayorga,s arrest,
trial, his public "pro-Daniel" comments and his August 2005
fight, private testimony offered by lawyers involved in the
case, testimony of the rape victim.