Republican right winger's are not true americans!!!

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Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
what a neo-con really thinks...

1)"Fraud is rampant but hey, our guy stole-er i mean won the election so who cares!?! stop crying about it!!! its only voter fraud... u know the saying about spilt milk"

2)"my children and childrens children are more then likely to struggle with low wages, and an economy thats in shambles, but hey, its not like ill be around to witness it"

3)"I can't really argue a point unless its been reported by Sean hannity, bill "the blunder" O'reily or anybody else on FOX or CNN"

4)"the leaders of my party were the most prevalent of racist's in the past, but what has history ever done for us?!?!"

5)"I pledge allegance, to this sewn material, in which whomever chooses to defile should be punished.."

6)"I say we nuke em all.. that will teach em peace will prevail"

7)"my fore father's fought, died and killed for me to be a free american.. which is why i will sign over whatever right i have to for my own safety.. freedom can be dangerous you kno."

8)"you dont support bush, so you must be what if his grandfather funneld money to hitler?.. your a commie!!!"

9)"so what if 57% of americans dont want us to be in IRAQ.. we're fighting terrorist's!!!!!!!....wat?? ok so wat if Sadam had no ties to al-qaida and was a bitter enemy to bin laden.. Hussein had nerve gas!!!!!......wat??? donald rumsfeld sold it to him???...SO WAT... were fighting terrorists here!!!!!".

10)"civil liberties??.. HA who need's em.. im fine right here on my couch.. its not like ill ever be using em..."

11)"I support our troops and the war on terror... me sign up?? yeah right!!"

12)"Im happy that a handful of people are getting paid more and earning tax cuts and the gap between rich and poor is widening.... it will benefit us... how??...why.. er... PINKO!!!!"