I dont rap, I can, but not extremely talented-So why bother
I make beats,made it to round two,again Im not great-why bother.
I decieded to buy beats and do a few projects.Alot of people always talk of the shape the west is in or dont like most the product out there, so I decied to take an active roll in doin my part in trying to restore the quality.I have witnessed certain indy artist who buy a few quality beats and skimp on the rest of the songs..wich turn out to be fillers,and I feel cheated when I spend my hard earned money on their product.I aint ballin..I just came up on some money..I live paycheck to paycheck like alot of people,At the time of purchase I bought from the only cat I know personally who has a platinum plaque and a long resume,but now that Im networking and learning a lil more I probably would have bought half the beats from my boy and buy some from-e-low,Dave Moss, the jetsons,Batkave, Ecay, and some others i know in the L.A. area.
I could have stretched my money a bit further