real talk on Bush and 9-11

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Apr 25, 2002
read this whole thing. its on point. holla with your opiniones.

The Bush 9/11 Scandal for Dummies

Don't know about you, but all this who-knew-what-when pre-9/11 stuff is mighty confusing. So once again, I head to that all-purpose reference series for some comprehensible answers.

Q. I've heard all these reports about the government knowing weeks and months in advance of 9/11 that airliners were going to be hijacked and flown into buildings, and yet the Bush Administration apparently did nothing and denied they did anything wrong. They claimed the fault lay in the intelligence agencies "not connecting the dots," or that it was the "FBI culture" that failed. Can you explain?

A. Most of the "it's-the-fault-of-the-system" spin is designed to deflect attention from the real situation. Bush and his spokesmen may well be correct in saying they had no idea as to the specifics -- they may not have known the exact details of the attacks -- but it is more and more apparent that they knew a great deal more than they're letting on, including the possible targets.

Q. You're not just going leave that hanging out there, are you? Just bash Bush with no evidence to back it up?

A. There's no need to bash anybody. There is more than enough documentation to establish that the Bush Administration was fully aware that a major attack was coming from Al-Qaeda, by air, aimed at symbolic structures on the U.S. mainland, and that among mentioned targets were the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the White House, the Congress, Statue of Liberty. (According to Richard Clarke, the White House's National Coordinator for Anti-Terrorism, the intelligence community was convinced ten weeks before 9/11 that an Al-Qaeda attack on U.S. soil was imminent.)

Q. If they knew in advance that the, or at least an, attack was coming, why did the Bush Administration do nothing to prepare the country in advance: get photos of suspected terrorists out to airlines, have fighter jets put on emergency-standby status or even in the air as deterrents, get word out to the border police to stop these "watch-list" terrorists, put surface-to-air missiles around the White House and Pentagon, etc.?

A. The explanation preferred by the government is to admit, eight months late, to absolute and horrendous incompetence, up and down the line (although Bush&Co., surprise!, prefer to focus the blame lower down, letting the FBI be the fall guy). But let's try an alternate explanation. Think about it for a moment. If their key goal was to mobilize the country behind the Bush Administration, get their political/business agenda through, have a reason to move unilaterally around the globe, and defang the Democrats and other critics at home -- what better way to do all that than to have Bush be the take-charge leader after a diabolic "sneak attack"?

Q. You're suggesting the ultimate cynical stratagem, purely for political ends. I can't believe that Bush and his cronies are that venal. Isn't it possible that the whole intelligence apparatus just blew it?

A. Possible, but not bloody likely. There certainly is enough blame to spread around, but the evidence indicates that Bush and his closest aides knew that bin Laden was planning a direct attack on the U.S. Mainland -- using airplanes headed for those icon targets -- and, in order to get the country to move in the direction he wanted, he kept silent.

Q. But if that's true, what you've described is utterly indefensible, putting policy ahead of American citizens' lives.

A. Now are you beginning to understand why Bush&Co. are fighting so tenaciously against a blue-ribbon commission of inquiry, and why Bush and Cheney went to Congressional leaders and asked them not to investigate the pre-9/11 period? Now do you understand why they are trying so desperately to keep everything secret, tightly locked up in the White House, only letting drips and drabs get out when there is no other way to avoid Congressional subpoenas or court-ordered disclosures? They know that if one thread of the cover-up unravels, more of their darkest secrets will follow.

Q. You're sounding like a conspiracy nut.

A. For years, we've avoided thinking in those terms, because so many so-called "conspiracies" exist only in someone's fevered imagination. Plus, to think along these lines in this case is depressing, suggesting that American democracy can be so easily manipulated and distorted by a cabal of the greedy and power-hungry. But I'm afraid that's where the evidence leads.

Q. You mean there's proof of Bush complicity in 9/11 locked up in the White House?

A. We wouldn't use the term complicity. So far as we now know, Bush did not order or otherwise arrange for Al-Qaeda's attacks on September 11. But once the attacks happened, the plans Bush&Co. already had drawn up for taking advantage of the tragedy were implemented. A frightened, terrorist-obsessed nation did not realize they'd been the object of another assault, this time by those occupying the White House.

Q. This is startling, and revolting. But Bush says he first heard about a "lone" pre-9/11 warning on August 6, and that it was vague and dealt with possible attacks outside the U.S. The FBI and CIA are notorious for their incompetence and bungling.

A. Bush and his spinners want us to concentrate on who knew what detail when; it's the old magician's trick of getting you to look elsewhere while he's doing his prestidigitation. We're not talking about a little clue here and another little clue there, or an FBI memo that wasn't shared. We're talking about long-range planning and analysis of what strategic-intelligence agencies and high-level commissions and geopolitical thinkers around the globe -- including those inside the U.S. -- saw for years before 9/11 as likely scenarios in an age of terrorist attacks.

The conclusion about Al-Qaeda, stated again and again for years by government analysts, was basically: "They're coming, by air. Get prepared. They're well-organized, determined, and technically adept. And they want to hit big targets, well-known symbols of America." (There was a 1999 U.S. government study, for example, that pointed out that Al-Qaeda suicide-bombers wanted to crash aircraft into a number of significant Washington targets; during the 199 5 trial of Ramsi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, he revealed plans to dive-bomb a plane into CIA headquarters, and earlier he had told FBI agents that the list was expanded to include the Pentagon and other D.C. targets.)

Elements in the FBI, all over the country, who suspected what was coming, were clamoring, begging, for more agents to be used for counter-terrorism investigations, but were turned down by Attorney General Ashcroft; Ashcroft also gave counter-terrorism short shrift in his budget plans, not even placing anti-terrorism on his priority list; John O'Neill, the FBI's NYC antiterrorism director, resigned, asserting that his attempts at full-scale investigating were being thwarted by higher-ups; someone in the FBI, perhaps on orders of someone higher-up, made sure that the local FBI investigation in Minneapolis of Zacaria Moussauoi was compromised. All this while Ashcroft was shredding the Constitution in his martial law-like desire to amass information, and continues even now to further expand his police-state powers.

(Note: An FBI agent has filed official complaints over the bureau's interfering with antiterrorism investigations; his lawyers include David Schippers, who worked for the GOP side in the Clinton impeachment effort; Schippers says the agent knew in May 2001 that "an attack on lower Manhattan was imminent." A former FBI official said: "I don't buy the idea that we didn't know what was coming...Within 24 hours [of the attack], the Bureau had about 20 people identified, and photos were sent out to the news media. Obviously this information was available in the files and someone was sitting on it.")

One can accept the usual incompetency in intelligence collection and analysis from, say, an anti-terrorist desk officer at the FBI, but not from the highest levels of national defense and intelligence in and around the President, where his spokesman, in a bald-faced lie, told the world that the 9/11 attacks came with "no warning." More recently, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, in a quavering voice, tried to characterize the many warnings as mere "chatter," and concerned attacks "outside the U.S." But the many warning-reports focused on terrorist attacks both inside and outside the United States; the August 6th briefing dealt with planned attacks IN the United States.

Not only were there clear warnings from allies abroad, but the U.S., through its ECHELON and other electronic-intercept programs, may well have broken bin Laden's encryption code; for example, the U.S. knew that he told his mother on September 9: "In two days you're going to hear big news, and you're not going to hear from me for a while".

And, the word of an impending attack was getting out: put options (hedges that a stock's price is going to fall) in enormous quantities were being bought on United Airlines and American Airlines stock, the two carriers of the hijackers, as early as September 7; San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was warned by "an airport security man" on September 10 to rethink his flight to New York for the next day; Newsweek reported that on September 10, "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns"; many members of a Bronx mosque were also warned to stay out of lower Manhattan on September 11, etc. etc.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
It's interesting to think about...And the people only know, what the goverment wants them to know, and anyone who makes a theory against that is "crazy." Even though a lot of it really isn't crazy....It sometimes can be backed up...I don't know much about the whole situation, but that's fucked up...
Apr 25, 2002
i heard some shit in the newspaper about how bush wants to 'win the war on terrorism by acting first, you cant win on defense.' also, he wants to end terrorism in SIXTY different nations. thats like 1/3 of the world. we are all going to die.
Apr 25, 2002
Bush is gonna get us killed you see his daddy has a big chunk of investament in the defense budget and Bush Jr himself has big connections to the CFr and Big oil companies and once the Enron/Cheny/Taliban for the Oil Pipeline to go thourgh there thourgh Pakistan (even the Washinigton post did reports on how the us has wired poltical bed partners when it comes to oil back in 99 talking about this even during the so called good old clinton years) meeting fall thourgh the Petnagon already drew up plans to attack Afghinstan by Octboert(what a surpise after 9/11 it was in octobert the us army started the bombings?think about that) so really bin Ladin attack was what people in the millitary would like to call a Pre-Emptive strike it was a fucked up one but bush was trying to deal with terrorist then treaten to bomb there country so 9/11 sadly happen.. and think about it also they cover up Enron pretty fast didnt they? what happened to Cheney(AKA: MR.I dont have a good heart that works becuase it filled with Oil) getting sued for not open up stuff about his meeting last spring(around the time of the taliban meetings) with Enron? that sure dissapeared fast.. plus it funny Bush knew is already pushed away from the media now with the whole India/Pakistan confrontation and the daily Isreali incursions in the West Bank and Gaza , can one say distraction? now that the news hypes this up to were all dead becuase of India and Pakistan Bush will never be questioned it fucked up but also nationalism playing a ibg part if you dont love the governent or critzes the government too hard on what you really wanna know even for reporters you get smashed on and called unpatrotic loser,commie,terrorist lover,etc plus it a exucse to go into Iran and iraq and starve 5,000 Iraqi Children a month with the us Led Un embargo and treaten other countries with using nukes on them if say South Korea,Isreal, Japan, or Taiwan are attackedthe Us would use nukes and on the nuke list of the seven countries Russia and China are on it yet at the same time Suposdely Allies yet before 9/11 they were arming india and pakistan and now look both are very quiet when india and pakistan are at... hmm sorry for rmabling on but think about all that.. I think bush has a bigger consipracy if he really wanted to fight terror he wouldnt Support the Isreali governent which uses or tax money to kill Palestnians daily and burn down homes with familys in them and shoot at pregnent owmen at Checkpoints calling them sucide bombers, the Sadui goverment which is very respressive towards it own people and is the heart of extreme Mawabaism(extreme brand of Islam) and is hated by the arab street at look at us as sell out for the saduis,egyptians,Kuwatis,Jordians which supress there people and use them in poltical pawns, or support governemnts in south america that has 50% of there people living below the povetry line but yet gives Hundreds of Millions to currupt governemnt officals to fight a so called "war on Drugs", if Bush really wanted to fight terror he would of let the public know and evucatedthat building instead he was at a school for his damn stalinist like education reform which doesnt work becuase we are oding worser on school tests compared to other nations.. I'm sorry but that colum you posted mezzanzo make me always remeber why I think capitalism running it course soon who else to war with left? civil war? after the next terrorist attack(which the govt only put out warnings about to make us consider giving up freedoms for) people will really open there mind I think and ask for changes and relize it always the wealthy that living off everybody else who is used as pawns.. Relize how unsafe the world got with Bush in control? let not forget the guy laughs about how great he would be as a dicatator of the world in a confernce once...
Apr 25, 2002
this is what happens under capitalism, rich oil companies run the world and even control our government--look at them, they're all connected to oil companies--Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Cheney, etc.

Oil companies wanted us to attack Afghanistan so they can get access to the Caspian Sea oil reserves--they NEED a pipeline across Afghanistan to do it, and the Taliban wasn't having it. That's why 3000 Afghani CIVILIANS (not Taliban, not Al Qaeda, just regular people trying to live) were murdered by US bombs. Thats why more US soldiers are gonna die, and thats why we're gonna get attacked again and more of us are gonna die.

All this blood is on the hands of the Bush regime and their oil companies masters and capitalism.
Apr 25, 2002
mezzano dont forget Kharzi ties with the company that been trying to put in the oil pipeline in afghainstan he was irnoicly a former empolyee even a higher up before the war happened the guy just didnt learn english over night... lol and they try to say Kharzi the elected leader of Afghaninstan and like Bush never stole elections...