i dont support the war in iraq. i support the idea though. it was just executed all wrong. things needed to be changed over there in the middle east. a war against one country in an area where there are problems in multiple countries is going to result in a loss of american lives and eventually the war. i know a lot of people bring it up but iraq is a lot like vietnam in the sense that when the iraqi extreamists bomb the u.s. soliders, they can run across the border into any of the neighboring countries. like the VC did in the 60's when they would go to china and cambodia to resupply. and the u.s. soliders cant follow them and capture them. the UN needs to send a force over there to all of the region and secure it. cuz going to one country after another isnt going to do shit. fighters like that are adaptable. they know their environment. and when we kill some of them, they use that as propaganda and recruit more people. i mean what happens when you watch the news and hear that 4 or 5 soldiers died today in iraq? most americans get pissed. same goes for them. shit theyre recruting children and shit to become jihadists. this problem isnt going away anytime soon. these few years of war with them has made more enemies for us. we have decades of fighting if we keep going the way we're going.