I was just clownin..you know how I do...I just wanted to post this so people would check it out,I think its pretty creative....just wantedto share with my siccness friends......so what did you think?
hahaha these 2 guys crack me the **** up.... we need another beat contest asap seems like someone getting a lilttle irrate... or does he really need to get laid....hahahahahaha!!!!
Rasan was right...I need to get laid..I just was tryin to stay faithful to my bitch siccness,she catch me fuckin around and she gonna cut me in my sleep,Ya see she keeps a straight razor on her
damn rasan...this was just all in fun.....you dont need a keyboard to beat me....anyways..Coop..I want bossman.....that was the way it was suppose to be,thats how the brackets was suppose to go.Again Rasin..this video was just somethin on a light note...I thought it was a creative video....what kind of stripes you gonna get by beating me in a contest..Im a hobbyist not a producer.