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May 13, 2002
Iraqis Suffer From Radiation Symptoms

Saturday June 21, 2003 8:39 PM


Associated Press Writer

AL-MADA'IN, Iraq (AP) - Dozens of people are showing up every day at a hospital near a defunct Iraqi nuclear plant, suffering from rashes, bloody noses and other symptoms of radiation poisoning, doctors said Saturday.

The Tuwaitha nuclear facility, 12 miles south of Baghdad, was left unguarded after Iraqi troops fled the area on the eve of the war. It is thought to have contained hundreds of tons of natural uranium and nearly two tons of low-enriched uranium, which could be used to make nuclear weapons

U.S. troops didn't secure the area until April 7. By then, looters from surrounding villages had stripped it of much of its contents, including uranium storage barrels they later used to hold drinking water.

People suffering from symptoms of radiation sickness started showing up at the hospital closest to the nuclear site as early as two months ago, two doctors interviewed by The Associated Press said Saturday. Their numbers have since grown considerably.

``Some 30 to 40 patients suffering from bloody diarrhea visit our hospital every day, probably due to their exposure to nuclear radiation,'' said Bassim Abbud, a physician at the Mada'in General Hospital, about 9 miles from the Tuwaitha nuclear facility.

The International Atomic Energy Agency sent a team to Iraq earlier this month to see if any of the uranium was missing, fearing it had been stolen in the chaos of the war. The experts found most of the uranium on or near the site, diplomats said Friday.

Plastic bags containing the uranium were found on the ground where the looters emptied out the barrels and some bags apparently spilled, the diplomats said from Vienna,where the U.N. agency is based.

The mission - whose scope was restricted by the U.S.-led interim administration of Iraq - was not allowed to give medical exams to Iraqis reported to have been sickened by contact with the materials, the diplomats said.

But two doctors at the closest hospital to Tuwaitha said suspicions of radiation poisoning were aroused as early as April 16, when 13-year-old Iltifat Risan came to the hospital with a severely bleeding nose.

Dr. Jaafar Naseer said he diagnosed symptoms of radiation. He said Iltifat had used a blue plastic barrel that her brother had brought from the facility for washing clothes.

``We gave her treatment for her symptoms,'' and sent her to a larger hospital in Baghdad for further treatment.

A week later, another patient, Hassan Oda, a 35-year-old electrician came to the hospital with white spots on his skin after installing a generator which he had stolen from the Tuwaitha.

``If we had a medical survey in the whole region, we would have many similar cases,'' Naseer said.

Abbud, who has been treating more recent cases, said the soaring temperatures of summer could explain some of the diarrhea complaints. But it was unlikely to be the cause this time, since the standard tests for parasites administered to diarrhea patients proved negative.

``Some people were subjected to radiation after emptying the barrels,'' Abbud said, resulting in skin problems, respiratory ailments and bloody noses. ``We have no particular measures to take. We just diagnose them and send them to Baghdad hospitals.''

He said after people were warned against using the contaminated equipment, some of the barrels were collected at a secondary girls school, where they remained while the girls returned to school for their final exams. U.S. military experts involved in the cleanup offered to buy back the barrels at $3 each.

``Symptoms may appear after months or years. Radiation can have genetic effects and could result in cancer tumors,'' he said.