Racism in London

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May 13, 2002
Racist reprisals feared for London terror bombing
By Mike Ingram
14 July 2005

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Possible racist reprisals against ethnic minorities throughout Britain are feared after the terrorist bombings in London on July 7 were blamed on four British Muslims. On July 12 police carried out raids in Leeds and Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and a controlled explosion in the Burley area of Leeds, as part of investigations into what are now believed to have been suicide bombings of the London Underground network and a bus, killing more than 50 commuters.

Claiming to have identified the remains of three of the bombers, police searched their homes in Leeds. Searches reported finding a “significant amount” of explosive material at one address.

Immediate police appeals for calm among local communities did little to allay fears of a racist backlash. Though the media has been careful to stress that only a “minority” of Muslims engage in terrorism, this has been coupled with pointed demands in the media for Muslim organisations to be firmer in their condemnation of the bombings.

Despite the fact that every Muslim organisation in Britain has come out strongly against the atrocity carried out in London, the London Evening Standard editorialised, “But the challenge for Britain’s Muslim leaders is to define being a good Muslim as one who supports the British authorities as they try to track down terrorists, not one who feels the remotest fellow-feeling towards perpetrators of crimes that are likely to include Muslims among their victims.” The paper adds that “racial incidents almost doubled in the days after the bombings.”

Charles Moore in the July 9 Daily Telegraph rejected London Mayor Ken Livingstone’s statement that “Islam and terrorism don’t go together.” On the contrary, Moore argues, they must indeed be linked in the same way as “the words ‘Irish’ and ‘terrorist’ went together.”

Moore says, “If fanatics can persuade people that their religion insists that they kill others (and often themselves) in its service, then they will obey. And whereas the IRA, though utterly sadistic and fanatical, kept in mind a political aim which, once achieved, would mean that they need kill no longer, the religious fanatic lacks even this check on his behaviour.”

Though Moore too acknowledges that “the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists,” he clearly implies that they could be colluding with terrorism. “So we have in our midst a religious minority in a state of ferment, and somewhere inside it is a number of people (though a tiny proportion of the whole) who want to kill the rest of us.... Instead of subjecting our entire population to the loss of liberties and increase of bureaucratic power which identity cards involve, we should develop a strategy that works out much more precisely where the danger lies, and seeks it out,” Moore says, before outlining where he sees the danger.

Questioning the “methods of the police,” Moore says that Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair’s “approach to policing Muslims appears to be to seek the consent of those he supposes to be community leaders before ‘going in.’ It is surely not right that they should veto on whether or not an inquiry is pursued, and it must be asked whether all of them could be trusted not to protect some of those who merit police attention” (emphasis added).

It is no surprise that in such a political climate a few right-wing thugs have taken it upon themselves to seek “revenge” upon Muslims in a number of attacks across the country.

In the space of a few days at least four mosques have been either partially firebombed and others had their windows smashed and doors vandalised. A Sikh temple in Belvedere in the South East was also attacked.

Highly inflammatory messages have been posted on a web site by supporters of the racist Combat 18 organisation. One message from someone in Nottingham read, “At last action has been taken ... yesterday in Liverpool a mosque was set on fire. Action is being taken but this isn’t enough. Let’s burn every mosque down.”

There have been a number of reports of people being racially and physically abused in London and other areas.

By far the most serious is the killing of an Asian man in Nottingham in the East Midlands. Kamal Raza Butt, who had been staying with a friend in the city for about six weeks, was found unconscious in the Meadows area of the city on Sunday after allegedly being subject to racial abuse by a group of youths. After being taken to hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. Six youths have been arrested for the killing, which the police are treating as racially motivated.

The Muslim Council of Britain reports that it has received racist email messages, at one point shutting down its mail systems. One warned, “It’s time for a war on Muslims throughout Britain.”

The racist British National Party issued a leaflet for the Barking by-election where it is standing a candidate, depicting the blown-up London bus and declaring, “Maybe now it’s time to start listening to the BNP.”

Though an extremely small minority of the population are involved in these right-wing attacks, they underscore the politically criminal character of the terrorist action in London. Far from doing anything to counter the criminal activities of Bush and Blair in Iraq or elsewhere, the bombings serve only to spread fear, anger, confusion and political disorientation.
Jul 13, 2005
Doubtful subject matter. There was no backlash in the United States after 9/11 towards moslem citizens. It's an urban legend that moslems were persecuted, beaten, imprisoned, etc - probably started by CAIR. One or two nutjobs here and there took bricks to storefronts, and one Sikh was beaten to death. But no systematic or organized persecution ever happened. And I doubt it will happen in Britain either.

Why wasn't I able to find this article on google? What site is this from, and what are the names of these nazi websites implicating themselves in these alleged hate crimes?

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
On the news the other day I heard there were already 100 reported revenge related attacks on muslim's in London since the explosions.
May 13, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
Doubtful subject matter. There was no backlash in the United States after 9/11 towards moslem citizens. It's an urban legend that moslems were persecuted, beaten, imprisoned, etc - probably started by CAIR.
You’re obviously not Muslim or a middle easterner and I doubt you have any friends that are.

There were literally hundreds of Muslims/middle easterners thrown into holding cells/jails etc. without charge after 9/11 for no other reason besides the fact of what their names, skin and religion were. Not only that, the racist shit that occurred across America by white trash rednecks was very widespread. I’ve seen the shit with my own two eyes. It was great knowing that the FBI came to my comrade’s father’s house in the middle of the night to interrogate him because he happens to work for a major airline and his first name is Hussein. It was great to see another comrade harassed by trash at a gas station immediately after 9.11, being called a “camel jockey,” a killer among other things.

But no systematic or organized persecution ever happened. And I doubt it will happen in Britain either.

What site is this from, and what are the names of these nazi websites implicating themselves in these alleged hate crimes?
LINK, sorry not a Nazi site, quite the opposite, a socialist website. Regardless of the political views of the site, reports of racism in London are widespread and not only reported by Socialist websites, but the mainstream media.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
The Irish have every fucking right to kill the English in Northern Ireland, but that's a whole nothing argument for a whole nother post.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
There were literally hundreds of Muslims/middle easterners thrown into holding cells/jails etc. without charge after 9/11 for no other reason besides the fact of what their names, skin and religion were.
Cite references. No CAIR crap is acceptable.

Not only that, the racist shit that occurred across America by white trash rednecks was very widespread.
Cite references please.

I’ve seen the shit with my own two eyes...


It was great to see another comrade harassed by trash at a gas station immediately after 9.11, being called a “camel jockey,” a killer among other things.
Goodness no! Not namecalling! And that you witnessed yourself? Well by golly the whole nation must be exactly like what you witnessed!

I'm not concerned with isolated incidents from a few bigots. Where are these mass murders and concentration camp-like imprisonments? Show me evidence of systematic discrimination. Any evidence at all, please.

There's zippo, zilch. There was nothing close to serious backlash against moslems after 911.
It was great knowing that the FBI came to my comrade’s father’s house in the middle of the night to interrogate him because he happens to work for a major airline and his first name is Hussein.
No, if they even interrogated him at all, it was because of suspected links to terror. The FBI doesn't waste resources interrogating random moslem semites. "Oh my friend got questioned because he said just because his name was Hussain and worked for airlines! Sure...lets take everything he says for truth. I knew a guy who bla bla bla, heresay isn't evidence.

LINK, sorry not a Nazi site, quite the opposite, a socialist website.
Highly inflammatory messages have been posted on a web site by supporters of the racist Combat 18 organisation.
I was referring to the nazi website quoted above. Did you read the article before posting it?

I just checked out the site and THIS is a valid news source? Every single article on that site was negative towards anything remotely american or british. There's no attempt at objectivity whatsoever.

Regardless of the political views of the site, reports of racism in London are widespread and not only reported by Socialist websites, but the mainstream media.
Good, then you'll have no problem posting another report. Again, no CAIR data will be acceptable.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i studied abroad in London and there are plenty of tensions between muslim communities and those outside. They had seperate schools for the most part and plenty of violent situations. So of course there will be backlash.
Jul 13, 2005
Are you saying the government specifically seperated moslems into different schools? Or are you pointing out the obvious that many moslems go to private schools?

And personal observations about tension are not evidence of a massive backlash against moslems, sorry.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
How can you sit there and tell us there was no widespread racism against Muslims in the US after 9/11?

Did you not watch the news?

Read a book?

Have a Muslim friend?

Shit, I have a friend named Hussein too. He dealt with a lot of bullshit. And if you want evidence, I can have him post up on the site and tell you what the fuck he went through.

And I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything else you have to say. All I'm saying is, do you REALLY think there was no racism against Islamic people in the US?
Jul 13, 2005
Me said:
I'm not concerned with isolated incidents from a few bigots. Where are these mass murders and concentration camp-like imprisonments? Show me evidence of systematic discrimination. Any evidence at all, please.
Learn to read.

EDIT: You can't point to Moslems killed, Moslems assaulted, Moslems fired, Moslems who've actually suffered or lost anything physical or quantifiable, not for being a Moslem. At least not as a result of any deliberate and malicious action taken by any American.
May 13, 2002
^^^Before I reply to you're idiotic posts (no time right now), what was your user name before this? You’re like a reincarnated Tadou but much less intelligent.

Within five months of the terrorist attacks 600 related hate crimes were reported, according to the Council of American-Islamic Relations and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. From verbal abuse to murder, crimes against Arab-Americans saw a dramatic increase in the year following the attacks.

In addition, the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that hate groups rose by an alarming 12 percent in 2001. LINK
Jun 27, 2003
Joe DiMaggio said:
Learn to read.

EDIT: You can't point to Moslems killed, Moslems assaulted, Moslems fired, Moslems who've actually suffered or lost anything physical or quantifiable, not for being a Moslem. At least not as a result of any deliberate and malicious action taken by any American.
I think this foo is just posting bullshit to piss sum people off...

either that or you REALLY are ignorant.
Don't you ever watch the news??? There was NO backlash after the events of september 11?
May 13, 2002
Here is some more random shit

"Operating behind a wall of secrecy, the U.S. Department of Justice thrust scores of Muslim men living in the United States into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charge and baseless accusations of terrorist links, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said" in a report released today.


The US indefinitely detained some 70 Muslim men after the 11 September attacks on baseless accusations of terrorist links, US rights bodies say.


U.S. Muslims Report More Hate Crimes
U.S. Muslims reported about 1,500 cases of hate crimes, unreasonable arrest, harassment and other alleged civil rights violations in 2004, a 50 percent increase over the previous year's total, according to a report released yesterday by a major Islamic advocacy group.


Here are some statistics given by the US government and reported in the media regarding Muslim or Middle Eastern Americans:

Government Action: Government Statistics:
FBI: raided/interrogated/investigated
Questioned/Interviewed ---27,000
Detained or Arrested ---6,483
Deported ---3,208
In process of deportation ---13,434
Voluntary deportation ---unknown
Fled the country in fear ---unknown
Asylum Seekers from targeted Muslim
countries which are now automatically
detained ---unknown
Detained at the airport for hours because
of inclusion on a “no fly list” other lists
or suspicion ---unknown
Subpoenas & search warrants ---18,000
NSEERS: Specially Registered, interviewed,
fingerprinted, & photographed: ---144,513
Under Surveillance through libraries ---unknown
Electronic Surveillance ---unknown
Gone underground ---unknown
Total 212,638

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Until recently the word was also spelled Moslem. Muslims do not recommend this spelling because it is often pronounced "mawzlem," which sounds somewhat similar to an Arabic word for "oppressor."

Ohh. okay I see now.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Council of American-Islamic Relations
CAIR is a terrorist front group. "Hate crimes" perpetrated by American citizens against Moslems have not occurred. "Hate crimes" perpetrated by Moslems against Americans, on the other hand, are a real and serious threat. Your data is erroneous.

And I find it amazing that, apparently, ALLEGATIONS are the same thing as actual PROOF OF A CRIME.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Here is some more random shit
"Shit" is right on.

"Operating behind a wall of secrecy, the U.S. Department of Justice thrust scores of Muslim men living in the United States into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charge and baseless accusations of terrorist links, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said" in a report released today.


The US indefinitely detained some 70 Muslim men after the 11 September attacks on baseless accusations of terrorist links, US rights bodies say.

A list of allegations by a special interest group is not the same thing as actual proof. Human Rights Watch and the ACLU are NOT credible sources. Especially since they can't actually PROVE that their allegations are true.

Oh and that "report" from the ADC, I should point out, was never published. And of course, CAIR's data is piffle.

This "Southern Law Poverty Center"? The one that referred to conservatives as "pro-Nazi"? You know, there's a chance they have an axe to grind.

U.S. Muslims Report More Hate Crimes
U.S. Muslims reported about 1,500 cases of hate crimes, unreasonable arrest, harassment and other alleged civil rights violations in 2004, a 50 percent increase over the previous year's total, according to a report released yesterday by a major Islamic advocacy group.

That entire article was commentary on data supplied by CAIR. Again, do you actually read what you post? Or do you just take anything anti american and paste it on up? Obviously the latter.

Government Action: Government Statistics:
FBI: raided/interrogated/investigated
Questioned/Interviewed ---27,000
Detained or Arrested ---6,483
Deported ---3,208
In process of deportation ---13,434
Voluntary deportation ---unknown
Fled the country in fear ---unknown
Asylum Seekers from targeted Muslim
countries which are now automatically
detained ---unknown
Detained at the airport for hours because
of inclusion on a “no fly list” other lists
or suspicion ---unknown
Subpoenas & search warrants ---18,000
NSEERS: Specially Registered, interviewed,
fingerprinted, & photographed: ---144,513
Under Surveillance through libraries ---unknown
Electronic Surveillance ---unknown
Gone underground ---unknown
Total 212,638
You mean they DARE to deport people who have violated American immigration laws?!?!?


And they were FINGER-PRINTED? Damn, that is some GOOD torture. This massive persecution against moslems, for no other reason than they were moslem, is an urban legend simple and plain. I'm waiting for actual evidence here. Stop passing off bullshit kthx.

EDIT: I took another look at these "statistics. First, I would love to know where this came from, meaning what agency of the government released it and where did they get the data. Second the majority of this list shows "unknown" for the total amount of reported incidents. That seems odd. Third, the listed offenses are certainly worded for sympathy. "Fled Country In Fear" does not seem like a title that a U.S. Government employee would use.
Finally, no comparison is given for the total number of people (of other than arab descent) that were "Detained" or "NSEERS."

Questioned/Interviewed ---27,000." Because of course there's no difference between getting a warrant to raid a place and just asking someone a question. As for "Interviewed" - what, are they counting everyone applying for a job at the Bureau as well? And who the hell is keeping track of these 27k people? I know the FBI doesn't keep records of the ethnicity of the people they talk to. Gov't statistics? Don't make me laugh.
Jul 7, 2005
ayo real talk, i'd speak on these issues and more if i had the time... but i agree with the boy Joe DiMaggio... and to those of you who are shooting him down without hearing what he has to say, you've been brainwashed my the media(and whats funny is that your brainwashed to also think that we[people who see and understand the subject matter as what it is, propaganda and hate of your own nation, just short of treason] yall think that we've been brainwashed)...as Joe already said, where is any proof of and real malice or hatred of muslims in our american institutions?

anywayz, like i said i dont have time but i could comment and reply to every argument you all have, and destroy all of them, but as slaves of your own close-mindedness, i already know you'll never listen...