R.I.P. Mocha

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
My buddy knew some kid who had a pitbull. He got the pitbull and 2 months later signed a lease on an apartment that didn't allow pets, so he gave the pitbull to my buddy for a year until his lease was up. So this pitbull goes to live with my buddy and all his alcoholic friends, and for an entire year this dog just shits on the floor of the living room and drinks beer out of a bowl and all this other shit. She was a pretty good dog though. Her name was Mocha but we all just called her Pitbull. So anyways, after a year of Mocha living with my buddy, her owner gets a new apartment and comes back to get her (meanwhile, this dog has spent a year with her new owners and only 3 months with her original owner).

So anyways, this dude gets the pitbull back and a week later the pitbull gets sprayed by a skunk. So the dog goes nuts and sees this Shitzu and thinks that it was the Shitzu that sprayed her, so Mocha goes over and snaps the Shitzu's neck and kills it.

So now the kid has to put Mocha to sleep.

That's some bullshit, I loved that dog. What a fuckin way to go though.