If fools utilized the method of analyzing their subconsciouses and looking directly at the various subliminal influences and conditioning mechanisms which directly control their conscious mind's actions of the body, they would fall the fuck out.
Most people are so indulged in maya, the material illusion, they never stop to think about what causes their thoughts and actions, and who the *I* is which is different from the mind, yet which uses the mind to make choices and view the world.
The mass majority of people, probably over 85% them, are completely ignorant as to what their consciousness is, and who the *I* that they think of themselves as, actually is. They are under the illusion that they are made of flesh, or that they are mind, and being thus fooled they have no knowledge of the extent to which their actions are influenced by advertising.
And the *science* of advertising is understanding that it is the most subtle form of effecting behavior and emotional triggers. It is a manipulation of the mind on a level undetectable to the poor suckers who never realize that their "self" is actually *not* the mind which is thinking, remembering, or craving the product, nor is the "self" the physical body which is carrying out the actions of buying or using the products. The "self" is actually the unseen infinitesimal spark of spiritual energy which resides in each body and is seen as the consciousness in a body.
That spark is the soul, and the soul is being carried around by the body and mind both of which are completely ignorant of it's existence. Many people have a "belief" that they have or are a spirit or soul which gives life to the body, but it is just that -- a belief. It is not actual knowledge of the fact. For those who are still "asleep" to the reality of the soul, it is like the soul is tied up in the backseat of a stolen car (the body), and the drivers of the car are mind and intelligence. They sit next to each other and plot and scheme on how to stimulate the senses of the body in order to bring pleasure to the mind. And that which causes the mind and intelligence to act like that is lust. So the mind may "believe" in the soul, but it cannot act in accordance with the soul if it the existence of the soul is only a belief, and there is no knowledge of it or it's activities and purpose.
So advertising preys on that lust of the mind and exploits it. We can see it practically even with this war on TV. The images of children's heads ripped open as a result of a bombing trigger particular emotions of hatred and anger, and likewise images of Iraqis cheering and a Saddam statue falling elicit particular empowering emotions of their own, depending on the prior conditioning of the individual.
So all this information is gathered, and our consciousness, our unchanging "I", tries to make sense of all the information through the use of the mind. But we can't. Reality is too crazy. It makes no sense. Why am I here? What is the point? Why can't I stop my mind when it starts thinking so many millions of things all at once? Which voice am I? Am I crazy?
This is the condition of the mind of the deluded and confused person, who is simply doing their best to make sense of a completely insane and nonsensical world. This poor mind never comes to know that their individual spark of life, their consciousness, is *distinct* from the body/mind complex it resides within which is so full of anxieties and conditioning. That individual soul, which is a fragmental part of the all-pervading Supersoul, is who every living being actually *is*. The different forms of material bodies are just coverings of the spiritual energy. And as soon as that spark of life is gone, the gross external body dies and the metaphysical subtle body comprised of mind, intelligence, and false ego carry the soul to either another material body or transfer it to the spiritual world. It depends on the condition of the mind.
Most of us are unaware that our consciousness, our "self", is not the material covering, and the "I" is not actually carrying out the actions of the body. The actions of the body are in reality being carried out by material nature, beyond our control. The false ego is the element which keeps us from seeing that *who* we are, is the spark of consciousness residing within yet distinct from the body. The body is thinking "I am buying this product", "I am using this product", but this is a false notion. It is an illusion of proptrietorship.
The person does not know that the "I" he actually is, is different from the body which is buying, thinking about, and using the product. Since he thinks he is body/mind, he is not able to objectively look at what is influencing his decision making progress, and is completely unaware of how commercials are continually repeating themselves in certain areas of his consciousness, and them ads are repeating even at the same time he opens his mouth and says "Man fuck that shit I aint influenced by none of that shit!"
Those whose spiritual eyes are forced open by the torchlight of knowledge and who possess actual knowledge of the existence of the spirit do not fall under any of the ploys of advertising because they are situated in transcendence. It's all about who's awake and who isn't.
But, as for me, I just like funny commercials.... Like that one about 5-8 years ago in L.A. for 92.3 The Beat where they had that fat white dude groovin at the bust stop. They need to bring that shit back, shit was classic. Or the Jack in the crack commercial where ole boy goes to Philly and comes back all bugged out -- "Ayo Jacky... I soaked up Philly like a sponge".. That shit is funny as hell.