I am in an area in Mid Missouri attending school where people are so brain washed and full of shit that whenever someone mentions Tech, they try to say he's broke or aint shit cause he aint got a deal, so I've explained that shit thousands of time to people to a near perfection LoL!!!! All people want to hear is Lil' Wayne and Nelly and Crunk music or some bullshit artist that say's a whole lot of nothing in their music and I cant fault them for their taste one bit, but I do tell them since they want to speak on something they know nothing about I tell them I do know that they are one tracked when it comes to music and they'd rather be sold a fuckin' dream and try to be like or follow something they can't or will never relate to in a million years. Fuck 28 inch rims and trips to the islands on Gucci covered private jets. If you wanna hear that, then you are the fool, but only to the extent when that's all you "want" to hear, and anything else such as Tech aint up to par. So since they are underdeveloped in their musical roundedness, they refuse to attempt to listen to Tech's music because they are unable to disect what simple things he's saying and try to verbally kill him and get as many people on their side to take on what he/she is saying about him so they dont feel so bad in the process. Nigga's fear what they do not understand, and what they do not understand, they try and destroy!"... That is what I relate to what I am saying to sum it all up. So in Tech's instance, you either "Like" Tech's music or you "Dont Like" Tech's music. I see people all the time that would rather it be turned off completely than hear him out versus if I through in a wack Cannibus CD (yes, I hate Cannibus) and no one would notice it being played. So therefore Hating is a unconsious act. Ha, ha... So when Tech called up to our radio station last Tuesday and said what he had to say, the same people that had negative shit to say about Tech were the same ones asking me to get them in the show... Hell nahhh...