Latley I've been thinking about this alot for a number or reason's.
(1) I noticed that I dont drink as offten any more, only on the weekends with an occassional weekday mixed in. But I noticed when I do drink that I DRINK ALOT.
(2) Today I bought my oldest brother a 12 back of beer. No big deal??????? Yeah it is, this is the 1st time I've seen him drink in 6 years. alcohol almost took my brothers life.
(3) I'm half Irish and go threw drinking phase's from time to time and in 2001 I was a full blown alcoholic, but was luckey enough to see where I was headed and decided to make a change. alcoholism skiped my moms generation ( my mom and aunts and uncles dont drink, my grandpa was a flat drunk when he was younger ) but it got me and my brothers.
(4) My mom ran into my X-stepdad and told me about it. He was the worst alcoholic I have ever seen. I watched him piss his life away, it truely was a sad thing, but i dont feel sorry for him for the fact when he was drunk I got beat down on a regular basis.
(5) Latley I've been going threw a depression state and some of close folkz have been going threw thru similar times. and all of us have the same thing in common, we all drink alot.
So let me ask you this, does this qualify as an alcoholic to you??? I drink to have a good time ONLY!!!!!!! But yes I do drink to escape my problems sometimes. Alot of you also do this, Does this make me or you a person with a problem???????
The definition of an addiction is "something you need to function" and while I dont have to have a beer after work everyday, I dont need to drink with my folkz, I do find it hard to pass up alcohol when were out together. I just cant say "NO" sometimes.
I realise that alcohol does effect my life but to what point. It does not interfer with my job. It cause's no problems with my friends or family. It has never caused any problems with any of girlfriends. It to this point has no effected my health in any way. I spend very little money on alcohol within any given month. But yet It's something that I do need in my life to keep my sanity from time to time.
I do enjoy drinking with my friends. We all do. But where is that line that goes past fun and into problems. 2001 was the worst year of my life and I did the worst thing I could have. I drank my problems away. 7 days a week for 6 months straight. I'm talking something like $4000 out of my savings that my grandmother ( RIP ) left to me for school, and that does not include my pay checks from work every week. And I do regret it but at the same time I enjoyed it, I cant and wont lie about that.
I look now and will never make that mistake again but even though I dont drink like that at all anymore, but since it's only two days a week what is the difference??? I realized I had a problem and wont do it agian I now know this, but does this really have an overall effect on the matter????? I'm not so sure sometimes.
The point is I can turn down a drink, but if someone said you cant drink for the rest of your life, I could not do that. I need alcohol from time to time. So am I an alcoholic or do I just enjoy drinking for good times every now and then???????????
(1) I noticed that I dont drink as offten any more, only on the weekends with an occassional weekday mixed in. But I noticed when I do drink that I DRINK ALOT.
(2) Today I bought my oldest brother a 12 back of beer. No big deal??????? Yeah it is, this is the 1st time I've seen him drink in 6 years. alcohol almost took my brothers life.
(3) I'm half Irish and go threw drinking phase's from time to time and in 2001 I was a full blown alcoholic, but was luckey enough to see where I was headed and decided to make a change. alcoholism skiped my moms generation ( my mom and aunts and uncles dont drink, my grandpa was a flat drunk when he was younger ) but it got me and my brothers.
(4) My mom ran into my X-stepdad and told me about it. He was the worst alcoholic I have ever seen. I watched him piss his life away, it truely was a sad thing, but i dont feel sorry for him for the fact when he was drunk I got beat down on a regular basis.
(5) Latley I've been going threw a depression state and some of close folkz have been going threw thru similar times. and all of us have the same thing in common, we all drink alot.
So let me ask you this, does this qualify as an alcoholic to you??? I drink to have a good time ONLY!!!!!!! But yes I do drink to escape my problems sometimes. Alot of you also do this, Does this make me or you a person with a problem???????
The definition of an addiction is "something you need to function" and while I dont have to have a beer after work everyday, I dont need to drink with my folkz, I do find it hard to pass up alcohol when were out together. I just cant say "NO" sometimes.
I realise that alcohol does effect my life but to what point. It does not interfer with my job. It cause's no problems with my friends or family. It has never caused any problems with any of girlfriends. It to this point has no effected my health in any way. I spend very little money on alcohol within any given month. But yet It's something that I do need in my life to keep my sanity from time to time.
I do enjoy drinking with my friends. We all do. But where is that line that goes past fun and into problems. 2001 was the worst year of my life and I did the worst thing I could have. I drank my problems away. 7 days a week for 6 months straight. I'm talking something like $4000 out of my savings that my grandmother ( RIP ) left to me for school, and that does not include my pay checks from work every week. And I do regret it but at the same time I enjoyed it, I cant and wont lie about that.
I look now and will never make that mistake again but even though I dont drink like that at all anymore, but since it's only two days a week what is the difference??? I realized I had a problem and wont do it agian I now know this, but does this really have an overall effect on the matter????? I'm not so sure sometimes.
The point is I can turn down a drink, but if someone said you cant drink for the rest of your life, I could not do that. I need alcohol from time to time. So am I an alcoholic or do I just enjoy drinking for good times every now and then???????????