Question for Portland Folks : What is North Portland and what is Northeast Portland?

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Apr 25, 2002
I hear "Northeast Portland" thrown around a lot, I was just wondering what that is. Where is the border between Northeast Portland and North Portland? Is there a North Portland at all, or is it all either Northwest Portland or Northeast Portland? Is it everything east of I-5 north of I-84?

Feb 21, 2003
North Williams is where North Portland is divided fromm NE Portland. NE/SE/NW/SW for the most past is a numbered street crossed by a alpha street. North Portland is a alpha by alpha. NW Portland is on the west side of the Willamette River.
Apr 25, 2002
North Williams is where North Portland is divided fromm NE Portland. NE/SE/NW/SW for the most past is a numbered street crossed by a alpha street. North Portland is a alpha by alpha. NW Portland is on the west side of the Willamette River.
OK cool, that's interesting I hear Northeast Portland so much more in the realm of gangster rap b/c "on paper" just looking at census demographic data, it looks like the area between N. Williams & I-5 is a little grimier than what's known as Northeast Portland.

^ Maybe that's true but I guess Northeast Portland just represents a much larger area so more people so more rappers.


Dec 9, 2005
gentrifications shakin everything up still

NE portland encompasses more area than N, However North portland in my opinion as of tonight is the grimiest area of portland per capita


The Rabbi
Feb 26, 2006
NE Portland
North Williams is where North Portland is divided fromm NE Portland. NE/SE/NW/SW for the most past is a numbered street crossed by a alpha street. North Portland is a alpha by alpha. NW Portland is on the west side of the Willamette River.
but all most people need to know iz that if u in north east and u hit lombard u inda north
Sep 12, 2002
I think 503 Savage Delivered for Quizno's or Pizza Hut. He knows his shit!!lol Williams is the Line. You can still be in North East on Lombard but just east of Williams. Im fuckin with you Savage. Should put some Images up fromthe last issue and the pricing sheet.
May 6, 2002
just cause you on lombard dont mean ur in the north the north... lombard an mlk all the way to portland hwy is all ne...

but yeah inner northside was waaaaay grimier then northeast up untill a few years ago before it got gentrified to shit... my block was active every day for a few years straight.. if it wasnt some one ridin thru gettin bucked/or retaliatin, it was youngsters gettin em up, niggas testin pistols on the whitefolks or just some crazy shit like baseheads stabbin each other and there stomachs droppin out, but imma northside representative Unthank - Kirby - CVC - 60s - Inglewoods all reside on the northside of town

NE niggas put it down too, but aside from a couple hoods, most of em are bullshit, made up by a bunch of hood rejects, or full of a bunch of hood ornaments and older cats that aint did shit in 10 plus years.. but ne felt the gentrification first, so its safe to say 15 years ago there was alot more shit happenin in north east then there is today

regardless, trust me when i tell you, "the numbers" is finna be where sets start poppin up the fastest now... since that seems to be the only place blacks and mexicans are allowed to live any more...


Master of Debauchery
Aug 18, 2003
Off the Grid
NE niggas put it down too, but aside from a couple hoods, most of em are bullshit, made up by a bunch of hood rejects, or full of a bunch of hood ornaments and older cats that aint did shit in 10 plus years.. but ne felt the gentrification first, so its safe to say 15 years ago there was alot more shit happenin in north east then there is today

regardless, trust me when i tell you, "the numbers" is finna be where sets start poppin up the fastest now... since that seems to be the only place blacks and mexicans are allowed to live any more...
Exactly! I couldn't have said it better.
Apr 25, 2002
Couple more questions:

01) To Nonstop, does "the numbers" refer to an area on the outskirts of NE Portland towards Gresham? The vibe I got from Gresham when I was there a few years back was that it was kind of a sex offender/sketchy white people type of suburb, so is that where a lot of the folks who used to live in north or northeast will end up settling?

02) Jefferson HS, northeast or north?

03) Peninsula Park, northeast or north?

04) The Rose Garden (the basketball arena), is that northeast or north or is that kind of too close to downtown to be considered either of those?
May 6, 2002
Couple more questions:

01) To Nonstop, does "the numbers" refer to an area on the outskirts of NE Portland towards Gresham? The vibe I got from Gresham when I was there a few years back was that it was kind of a sex offender/sketchy white people type of suburb, so is that where a lot of the folks who used to live in north or northeast will end up settling?
"The numbers" and "the names" are the two areas of inner north and inner northeast where all the blacks used to live.. "The numbers" is errything east of MLK, "the names" are errything west.. But "the big numbers" is errything wit 3 digits.. People don't refer to the little numbers as the numbers any more...but when u don't see any number streets, that's also a way u can tell ur in north portland.

02) Jefferson HS, northeast or north?

03) Peninsula Park, northeast or north?

04) The Rose Garden (the basketball arena), is that northeast or north or is that kind of too close to downtown to be considered either of those?
All three of em are techichally north portland, but the rose garden isn't considered northside.. Only peninsula and jeff
Apr 25, 2002
This is a very interesting discussion here, when you think about how the city has changed over the years.
Yeah the Portland people are very good at describing their city I've noticed, better than the Seattle people (mainly b/c I think it's smaller so they've lived closer to all these spots).

I know some about Portland from looking at some census data, census maps and the 3 or 4 times I've been there. But I want to know more.