Question for everyone on the "smart board" 2

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Apr 8, 2004
i read that thread and even though i dont agree with alot of shit he says on this board i think he had some valid points. i also read some of your replies and they were actually funny too me. you guys got offended because you thought he was sayin you couldnt have an opinion, but basically he was sayin you guys arent accomplishing anything flooding the boards with your "fucc bush" and "fucc america" threads. how you gonna have fruits w/ out labor? the question was raisied but the only person who even came remotely close to anwsering it was heresy but he didnt even actually anwser it.... what exactly do you guys do (OFFLINE) to support your cause? if you cant anwser this then you really have no room to complain about the current situation of this country... you can have an opinion.. but if you gonna talk about it as much as you guys do then you have to be active or that makes you a hyprocrit.

some facts about me so know one comes in here talkin shit and jumpin to conclusions about me

i believe in God, but i dont attend church or religious ceremonies, etc..
im not a member of any political party, activist group, etc..
i dont support the war in iraq, but i support the troops
i dont support bush
im not the "patroitic american", but i feel blessed to be living in this country as opposed to other countries
im not content w/ the state of this country, or my present situation for that matter, but i dont sit around and complain about it everyday. my only concern is me and mines, i cant change the way shit here goes down here so i dont waste time or energy on it. i dont see any revolutions or movements craccin on some overthrow the government shit, just piccet fense rallies, nothing real.
Oct 14, 2004
^^^ Thats what I was trying to tell cats.

I go to school, believe in God and pray, And I work to better my person.
May 13, 2002
I’m an active member of Socialist Alternative. I’m in the streets every week meeting with people. I work on a local newspaper; I help organize events such as the upcoming Pro-Choice march this Saturday & the 2 year anniversary protest to the Iraq war on March 19th which is expected to have over 15,000 people in Seattle alone, over 100,000 world-wide. I recently organized a public viewing of a rare Black Panther documentary called “The Murder of Fred Hampton”, it was a huge success and raised a lot of money and raised peoples consciousness.

I have an Associates degree in IT Networking, although I have no interests in networking anymore and I believe it was a mistake on my part for going in that direction when I was younger.

I don’t believe in god and I am for separation of church & state, but I believe in freedom of religion. As Malcolm X said the belief in God is between man and his God and should be kept in the privacy of his own home.

I oppose Capitalism.
I oppose Imperialism.

I’m not a "patriotic american", and I feel horrible for the inhumane living conditions across the globe that was forced onto them by Imperialist countries such as the United State of Amerikkka.

I’m not content w/ the state of this country, or my present situation for that matter and I do my best to try and make a difference, as little as it may be. My only concern is that of the people of the world, my family and friends. I am not a greedy capitalist. I know in my heart that one day things will change for I know that nothing lasts for ever. I look to people like Malcolm X, MLK, and the Black Panther Party for inspiration since I know they were fighting the good fight despite the huge obstacles they faced and I know they would rather die trying than die being a slave.

I am a Revolutionary; I am the Proletariat; I am the people; I am not the pig. – Fred Hampton
May 13, 2002
I also highly disagree with the point you made about people “complaining” about certain topics and not doing anything about it. Remember, this is the Gathering of Minds. It is a place for people to discuss mind stimulating topics such as politics, science, philosophy, religion, etc. Anyone and everyone are entitled to their own opinions and are welcome to share their opinions regardless if they are doing something about it or not.

I have learned a whole fucking lot in this forum. Even from people who I disagree with I learn from. NITRO and I disagree all the time and periodically we even get into childish, heated debates but in the end I respect the guy and I have learned from him and I’d like to think he has learned a thing or two from me as well. So to say we are not accomplishing anything by posting info in this forum is completely false. If I post an article or an opinion which informs another, that to me accomplished something, as little as it may be. If I or someone else can sway an opinion, that is an accomplishment. Shit, every now and then someone hits me up on PM, even people who never post in GOM and say “thanks for posting ____” or “I learned a lot on that thread, thanks” or whatever. To me that’s cool shit and it shows some people are interested and do learn something.
Aug 31, 2003
the whole point of this forum is to discuss topics. if it's only 2-0-Sixx making posts then they're gonna be about subjects that he wants talked (just using an example not saying thats how it is). if you want other topics to be talked about then start threads on other topics without the senseless name calling.

"i love the place i live, but i hate the people in charge" - Immortal Technique
Oct 14, 2004
I really dont have beefs with cats on the internet, only in person. I respect cats that come on here speaking their mind and getting out their feelings. I just feel it can be done without resorting to name calling and disrespect of anyone. Killing the pres doesnt solve the problem. The only way to solve the problem is through talking, speaking, and living. Violence solves nothing and never will. On this board people need to see that you cant be angry with life rather get yours together before you try and get someone elses.
Jul 7, 2002
Contagious Locc said:
i read that thread and even though i dont agree with alot of shit he says on this board i think he had some valid points. i also read some of your replies and they were actually funny too me. you guys got offended because you thought he was sayin you couldnt have an opinion, but basically he was sayin you guys arent accomplishing anything flooding the boards with your "fucc bush" and "fucc america" threads. how you gonna have fruits w/ out labor? the question was raisied but the only person who even came remotely close to anwsering it was heresy but he didnt even actually anwser it.... what exactly do you guys do (OFFLINE) to support your cause? if you cant anwser this then you really have no room to complain about the current situation of this country... you can have an opinion.. but if you gonna talk about it as much as you guys do then you have to be active or that makes you a hyprocrit.

some facts about me so know one comes in here talkin shit and jumpin to conclusions about me

i believe in God, but i dont attend church or religious ceremonies, etc..
im not a member of any political party, activist group, etc..
i dont support the war in iraq, but i support the troops
i dont support bush
im not the "patroitic american", but i feel blessed to be living in this country as opposed to other countries
im not content w/ the state of this country, or my present situation for that matter, but i dont sit around and complain about it everyday. my only concern is me and mines, i cant change the way shit here goes down here so i dont waste time or energy on it. i dont see any revolutions or movements craccin on some overthrow the government shit, just piccet fense rallies, nothing real.

are you talking to everyone of us?...LOL
Jan 2, 2003
Violence solves nothing and never will. On this board people need to see that you cant be angry with life rather get yours together before you try and get someone elses.[/QUOTE]

it seems u try to lecture as if u r sum "wiseman" or sumthing....y cant u get angry with life??....LOL!!!!! is a straight up BITCH sumtimes....u get angry but get thru it....and being angry at life doesnt have to mean its not "together" computer class teacher said sumthin like "at 25 i thought i ahd to have my life together, but now im 35 and realize it will never be".... he was commenting on his 35th birthday. hes a teacher, has a wife, and a kid. but hes pretty saying that perception "of get your life together" is a lame one....(we were having an off-topic discussion)

also, what do u mean by " before you try and get someone elses"...?? u think people on this board try and get other peoples lifes together???...IF so, thats a pretty EXTREME comment.

all this intelligent "i go to school" talk is really VAGUE.....
Apr 8, 2004
@ 2-0-sixx much respect dawg, you've represented well..

@ Naner- i don't know if you were talkin to me when you talked about "name calling" but the only derogatory remark i said was "hypocrite" and it wasnt directed at a specific person, just a term i used in general

@Nefar-i was talking to whoever, not one particular person.. the thread said "everyone" on the smart board.. whoever wants to anwser the question is coo, those who dont wanna, thats coo too..
Aug 31, 2003
Contagious Locc said:
@ Naner- i don't know if you were talkin to me when you talked about "name calling" but the only derogatory remark i said was "hypocrite" and it wasnt directed at a specific person, just a term i used in general

nah homie .. i was speaking in a general sense about any topic that gets discussed. if you want something else to get talked about approach it like a real discussion .. instead of with the usual (i'm sure the tree hugging hippie fag liberals would cry their hearts at) type shit. that's why a lot of shit comes down to bashing around here instead of actual coversation.
May 17, 2002
@ 206 - you said some deep shit folks. both posts! from IT to learning from folks you disagree with. most of it I agree with.

So to say we are not accomplishing anything by posting info in this forum is completely false. If I post an article or an opinion which informs another, that to me accomplished something, as little as it may be. If I or someone else can sway an opinion, that is an accomplishment.
so true!

@ RobS4 - On some realla shit, I used to have a problem with the petty name calling and shit too. sometimes I still do. But that's the "macho" part of debating. Testing nuts. If you can back a person down or shut them up by calling them names then they aren't for real about what they talking bout. sometimes you gotta test a fools heart. either to keep them speaking OR to shut them up.
Sep 28, 2002
Violence always solves something for instance when your in a class with a muslim you don't say shit about islam thats violence solving something right there.

I cant believe Im hearing you bitch about bitching its like me bitching about some fool telling me to go fuck myself. I do it all the time so when it happens at my expense i have it comeing.

I say fuck bush because there are so many 'retards" out here saying god bless bush.

why didn't you say something about all the people who say god bless bush and america tell them to shut up?


9 out of 10 threads you post in here are bitching about something including "to all the "smart" people"

So hey take your own advice.

LOL at Philosophy and history classes making the world a better place.
Oct 14, 2004
Formaldehyde Rx said:
Violence always solves something for instance when your in a class with a muslim you don't say shit about islam thats violence solving something right there.

I cant believe Im hearing you bitch about bitching its like me bitching about some fool telling me to go fuck myself. I do it all the time so when it happens at my expense i have it comeing.

I say fuck bush because there are so many 'retards" out here saying god bless bush.

why didn't you say something about all the people who say god bless bush and america tell them to shut up?


9 out of 10 threads you post in here are bitching about something including "to all the "smart" people"

So hey take your own advice.

LOL at Philosophy and history classes making the world a better place.

Did anyone else notice how that first line really didnt make any sense. Anyhow everyone should be told God Bless since it is God who blesses us in the first place and thus cause changes in that person life since the devil pretty much runs all of the evils in society such as anger, hate, violence, and greed. God has seen this and thus gives us our free will. God has used violence in the past when the Jews were attacked he had whole races wiped out. The jews did pay for their Pagan ways. But God gives redemption for all and you should understand that. Just because you come in here with all sorts of big words and force of words jsut makes you another person nothing more or nothing less. You no better then anyone in society and you never will be since we are all equal in the eyes of God. You just view things in a very violent nature which makes you not a solution to the problem. And History and Philosophy can make the world a better place by us learning from our mistakes then we are able to change them for the future. When you post its makes about as much sense as everyone else on this board. You have your own opinion and its yours no one else follows it but you so it doesnt make it right or wrong just yours.
Jan 2, 2003
You have your own opinion and its yours no one else follows it but you so it doesnt make it right or wrong just yours.[/QUOTE]

FOLLOW YOUR OWN SPITS HOMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( enuff exclamation marks for u??..haha)

ESPECIALLY your "opinions/ views" of "god"...

nuthing but GOD in your post homie...sounds like BUSH speech...
Sep 28, 2002
try a little harder I will use my words to explain.

You see when you insult a person and their beliefs that person is at some point obliged to react in a violent nature (examples abound). Out of fear of violence individuals with derogatory opinions of others hold thier tongue. You hold your tongue out of fear of violence thus violence has resolved a situation in which you would have ended up with your ass kicked, by simply existing as a concept. This same set of circumstances can be observed in the concept of mutually assured nuclear destruction. Violence in this situation as in the previous is used to overt violence.

Anyone ever notice that those who yell the loudest usually have the least to say.

Of course you know better than anyone that I have never thought of myself or anyone else for that matter as better than any other person.

for instance I don't think of christian white people as better than muslim arabic people

God = Your interpretation of God = a mans interpretation of God = a flawed interpretation of God = a flawed God.

I am waiting to believe in god until I die or he comes and talks to me. When I die and there is nothing well then there is nothing. If he never comes and introduces himself and I die and then he introduces himself I will say well god its nice to finnally meet you. Now did you want something from me? He will say well I did. Then I will say well how was I supposed to know that? long cold silence.

God says GO TO HELL.

So I go and guess who I meet down there my ol friend MR. ROBS
Oct 14, 2004
Yes but people only hold their tongue usaully until they group together in a large mass in which they can speak their hate filled mouths off until they are blue in the face. But the violence brings about more violence because if that person would say a racial slur to one race or another and then get their asses kicked by said race then that causes more hate for that race and then an example involving another violent act is taken. It is this way that violence never solves the answer and only brings about more of a problem.

Your thoughts on God only matter to you and to no one else because their your own views. If you choose to not believe then thats fine. I do and thats all their is to it. If people want to hold their own view of God who am I to say they are wrong. In your OPINION your view of the way I percieve God is flawed but in my opinion it is not and thus your voice speaks for itself and not for me.

Oh yeah dont you have better things to do then follow me around on the net?
Sep 28, 2002
ain't no body following you bitch you only started comin in here because I post in this forum.

Why don't you try keeping your thoughts on god to yourself.

"Yes but people only hold their tongue usaully until they group together in a large mass in which they can speak their hate filled mouths off until they are blue in the face."

Is that what you do in here because your to scared to say shit to a muslim you hide here and try to convince people that they're evil?
Oct 14, 2004
Formaldehyde Rx said:
why didn't you say something about all the people who say god bless bush and america tell them to shut up?

I could care less if someone says God Bless Bush. Thats their opinion and not mine. I think God should bless all but thats me

I came in here because I can not because you do.Get that notion out of your head Kid. I go where I want to. I dont think people are evilby nature only by choice. If someone wants to be muslim I dont care thats your choice Iam to busy trying to take care of my own affairs to worry about someone I dont even know. As far as God goes if you dont like what I say dont read it. These cats can come in here with all kinds of Anti-God statments and its all cool. That is very lame and stupid. Cats need to grow up and see what life really is. Life is not as depressing as everyone thinks it is. Changes need to be made but it could always be worse, always remember that.