i read that thread and even though i dont agree with alot of shit he says on this board i think he had some valid points. i also read some of your replies and they were actually funny too me. you guys got offended because you thought he was sayin you couldnt have an opinion, but basically he was sayin you guys arent accomplishing anything flooding the boards with your "fucc bush" and "fucc america" threads. how you gonna have fruits w/ out labor? the question was raisied but the only person who even came remotely close to anwsering it was heresy but he didnt even actually anwser it.... what exactly do you guys do (OFFLINE) to support your cause? if you cant anwser this then you really have no room to complain about the current situation of this country... you can have an opinion.. but if you gonna talk about it as much as you guys do then you have to be active or that makes you a hyprocrit.
some facts about me so know one comes in here talkin shit and jumpin to conclusions about me
i believe in God, but i dont attend church or religious ceremonies, etc..
im not a member of any political party, activist group, etc..
i dont support the war in iraq, but i support the troops
i dont support bush
im not the "patroitic american", but i feel blessed to be living in this country as opposed to other countries
im not content w/ the state of this country, or my present situation for that matter, but i dont sit around and complain about it everyday. my only concern is me and mines, i cant change the way shit here goes down here so i dont waste time or energy on it. i dont see any revolutions or movements craccin on some overthrow the government shit, just piccet fense rallies, nothing real.
some facts about me so know one comes in here talkin shit and jumpin to conclusions about me
i believe in God, but i dont attend church or religious ceremonies, etc..
im not a member of any political party, activist group, etc..
i dont support the war in iraq, but i support the troops
i dont support bush
im not the "patroitic american", but i feel blessed to be living in this country as opposed to other countries
im not content w/ the state of this country, or my present situation for that matter, but i dont sit around and complain about it everyday. my only concern is me and mines, i cant change the way shit here goes down here so i dont waste time or energy on it. i dont see any revolutions or movements craccin on some overthrow the government shit, just piccet fense rallies, nothing real.