it says that if i grill it, it will be done in 4-5 minutes..
problem is, i dont have a grill, could i cook it on a skillet? i dont wanna bake it, would rather just put it on the skillet n be done quicker..its 1.5 pounds also..
it says that if i grill it, it will be done in 4-5 minutes..
problem is, i dont have a grill, could i cook it on a skillet? i dont wanna bake it, would rather just put it on the skillet n be done quicker..its 1.5 pounds also..
where in the fuck does it say 4-5 minutes??? Man, if you cook chicken on a grill for only 4-5 minutes you are gonna end up with Salmonella. That recipe sounds fucked. I would just throw it on the skillet if you dont have a grill. Make sure that shit isnt pink on the inside says itll grill in 4-5 minutes, i got it from trader joes and it usually cooks pretty quick..fuck it ill just throw it on the skillet folks.. says itll grill in 4-5 minutes, i got it from trader joes and it usually cooks pretty quick..fuck it ill just throw it on the skillet folks..