Put 9 tril on Bush's tab

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May 2, 2002

that's right, our country is now gonna be in more debt than we ever have. Congress just passed something that allows bush to push debt to 9 trillion dollars.. for the iraq war and anti-terrorism measures. Nice little bill there, huh.
What does that mean for Americans? well, if you do the math, president bush has racked up 30,000 dollars in debt for EVERY SINGLE person in this country.

In related news, Bush's approval rating is now at an alltime low, 37%
Mar 9, 2005
I have to agree with you there (that Bush is a fuck-wit) - do you know that, interest rates being as low as they have ever been in the U.S., instead of Bush paying off the debt while it's cheap (like the Clinton administration was doing), he's racked up a further 1.7 billion dollars in debt per day in 2004 - thats $600 Billion dollars. The total U.S. debt is now over 7.5 trillion dollars. Not including that, american citizens owe a combined 9.5 trillion dollars in morgages, automobile loans and credit cards, which equates to over $85,000 per household. I've heard of spendthrifts, but thats ridiculous
Dec 18, 2002
Does anyone else think his administration is doing this on purpose? He's using the presidency to cripple this country economically and spread our army so thin that we will crumble...and then the globalists move in.
Feb 9, 2003
KrypticFlowz said:
Does anyone else think his administration is doing this on purpose? He's using the presidency to cripple this country economically and spread our army so thin that we will crumble...and then the globalists move in.
Exactly! I tried arguing this with some hippy faggot from the Lyndon De Larouche PAC. Anyways...the guy argued that Bush was an imcompetent leader and that he was the dumbest American president in the history of American president's. I told him I agreed with him on him being an incompentent leader but disagreed at Bush being the dumbest American president in the history of American president. I then went on to tell him that President George Walker Bush is infact the smartest person in the history of the presidency.

This is when the hippy faggot told me that I was crazy. He told me that Bush had started a war. Had started a national debt. That Bush was this and that Bush was that, etc, etc. This is when I reminded him that Bush was still in office. I then reminded him that most of these things people blame Bush for Bush actually did on his first term or in the open and yet Bush was still elected President. I then went on to tell him that Bush would continue to act like an incompetent president and that this was his excuse. He whether or not he acts or actually is stupid, i told him, wasn't the problem the problem is that we're actually so desentized that we just pass of what ever political fiasco Bush leads us into as Bush just being Bush.

Then we proceeded into arguing about the civil war and I finally gave up when he told me the French had no role in the liberation of the colonies. Guess he forgot about the battle of Yorktown. Needles to say Bush is going to set up political and foreign plans for whomever is the next President. I honestly think it will be McCain, if he does run, and being as he's a pretty likeable guy, fuck; even I like him, he'll, and what ever parties of interest [mainly the parties of interest] will have things going for them as they want them going for them.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
KrypticFlowz said:
Does anyone else think his administration is doing this on purpose? He's using the presidency to cripple this country economically and spread our army so thin that we will crumble...and then the globalists move in.

he knows he is going down, and hes taking the whole country down with him.