Purpose of the Police in society.

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What is the role of police in today's society?

  • To Protect and serve the people

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • To enforce the ideologies of the rich

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • A little bit of both.

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
When you are a little kid growing up society tell's you that the police are here to protect society; and we should not be scared of them but turn to them for help when we most need it.

However there is a growing number of people that feel that Police officer's are basically just enforcers of not just the law but their, political philosophies, race, religious beliefs or whatever.

I live in Canada; and recently in the newspaper's there has been a growing number of articles reporting cases of police brutality. In America, over the years we have heard different stories of people being attacked by police, and even caught police using excessive force on video camera.

Some people would go so far as to say the police role in society is to enforce the old way of:

Rich over poor
European over African or latino decent
technology over Nature
and Men over Women​

Now If you look at the definition of terrorism it is the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to obtain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature

So here's my question Are the police here to protect society, or are they a terrorist organization?
May 13, 2002
"We are not letting the public into our dirty little secret that those who commit the crime that worries the citizen most, violent street crime, are for the most part, the products of poverty, unemployment, broken homes, rotten education, drug addiction and alcoholism, and other social ills about which the police can do little, if anything" - Boston Police Commissioner, Robert Di Grazia

"The State, the part which it falls back on to ensure its rule when all else fails, is the repressive apparatus - the police, the army, the courts and the various intellengence agencies like the FBI, CIA etc. "

"When propaganda and conditioning fail and working class people and even sections of the middle classes oppose the ruling class, the ruling class use the police, the courts, the law and sometimes the army to defend their profits and power."

"The police, together with the army, constitute the central "body of armed people which is at the centre of the state apparatus. They are the first line of defence against anything which disturbs the public order of capitalism. "

If you look at the current priority of involvement of the police with animal rights demonstrators, peace activists, strikers etc. rather than against trational crime, shows where the real priorities of the police lie. This is nothing new. Look at the involvement of the police with the Black Panthers.
Jul 7, 2002
rayzaray said:
all I gotta say is


the police have caused me more harm than any protection in my lifetime

here's a book i recomend:

Beat the Heat: How to Handle Encounters With Law Enforcement
AK Press
ISBN: 1 902593 55 3

Saying the right thing during an encounter with the police can mean the difference between going home and going to jail. Beat the Heat gives you a set of easy-to-remember legal tactics for protecting yourself and the people you care about. Written by a Harvard-trained criminal defense lawyer, this illustrated street law manual teaches you exactly:

* what to say if you're pulled over

* how to read a search warrant

* what you should know about undercover cops and informants

* how to handle police questioning

* what to tell the judge to get your bail reduced

* how to get the best work out of your public defender or private attorney

Reading this book is like getting a one-on-one coaching session with your lawyer. It's written in plain English and comes with sample documents (including warrants and subpoenas), so you can learn how to deal with them before trouble's at your door. There are special sections for minors and non-U.S. citizens, as well as a chapter on suing the police. The best part is the numerous cartoon sequences, which demonstrate how cops manipulate people they're questioning or searching-and what techniques you need to win this game.

Author Katya Komisaruk was admitted to Harvard Law School while serving a five-year prison sentence. She graduated with honors in 1993 and is currently a criminal defense lawyer in Oakland, California.
Aug 31, 2003
their is a rare chance that you might come across a good cop. one that actually is trying to do his job and that is doing it because he feels it is the right thing to do. but most of them protect them and serve us. that's how it has been that how it's gonna stay.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
I voted for "A little bit of both" I mean if my car got stolen at random or something the chances of getting back are a lot better if you report it to the police, so i'm not going to lie and act like I wouldn't. But it's no secret what they are really here to do.
Jun 17, 2004
to enforce idealogies of the rich... because the difference between a man who stole $10 and a business executive who stole $4,000,000 is that the business executive doesnt get slammed on the ground, beat up, or a jail sentence longer than 6 months.
Jun 17, 2004
actually if you look at the history of how law enforcement came to be in society, the first law enforcers of the land werent employed by government, but were employed by the local rich people who feared their poorer neighbors. The first government-funded law enforcement were the shire-reeves of England, the shire-reeves were employed by the noblemen (rich people) who governed the shire. The word sheriff is derived from the word shire-reeve.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
i think the idea of law enforcement is great. society NEEDS a group of its OWN citizens who have authority to patrol people breaking the law...but that doesnt mean that they are totally above the law either. Cops arent there to be dicks, not there to put people down, not there to go LOOKING to get people in trouble. they are SUPPOSED to enforce laws that are there, not to try to put people in situations to get them in trouble. Obviously, when a cop fucks with u, thats gonna influence ur feelings ab out them a lot more, cuz thats direct to u. It's a direct sitation. But, we dont know what indirect actions could have happened without them. If a drunk drive was stopped and taken in, that could have hit me, or a child molester that could have gotten my kid, or a guy that could have dealt drugs to my kid, etc. etc. There are good sides and bad sides to an institution like this, and one thing that doesnt help is the glorification of negativity (extortion, drug dealing, etc.) of cops, especially through the media. but, cops are humans too, and thats the problem with having police. I'd much rather have them than not have them. Not all cops, but a lot do deal with aggravating shit every day, then can have one fuck up that will make all cops look bad. I'd much rather have them out there finding child abductors than not. Besides, some that get arrested or are harrassed give the cops a reason to do so.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
is there any statistics on how many innocent ppl die in drive by shootings?any statistics on how many ppl are hurt and robbed by junkies? etc etc.

i think there should be police, we cant have shit like back in the west were you piss someone off and he blows off youre chest...i agree a lot of incicdents and laws an politics are pretty one sided but really, when i have a family id rather the police do regular ride throughs my neighborhood to somewhat curve crime...the way i see it is, if youaint breaking the law or doing some stupid shit, you got nothing to worry about, sure there are some crooked ass cops in this world, but there are crooked ppl in this world period, im juat as likely to belive that the snot nosed punk kid flipping my burgers is spitting in my cheese as i am to believe that the cop whos been following me has been doing so because of my skin color...humans are corrupt, you cnat pinpoint a while profession as being oppresors, maybe thats their purpose, but id rahter see them riding around than not, what do you ppl want? fucking anarchy?