Pure evil - super coca

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Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
As many of you are aware, I am generally an advocate of genetically modified plants. This post is not intended to provoke a discussion about the pros and cons of GM foods, but to point out the first truly evil application of genetic engineering. I found this article whilst surfing the net earlier;

BOGOTÁ — Drug traffickers have created a new strain of coca plant that yields up to four times more cocaine than existing plants and promises to revolutionise Colombia’s drugs industry.

The new variety of coca, the raw material for cocaine, was found in an anti-drug operation on the Caribbean coast, on the mountainsides of the Sierra Nevada, long known as a drug-growing region.

Samples of the plant were sent for laboratory analysis and experts then pronounced drugs traffickers had developed a new breed.

"This is a very tall plant," said Colonel Diego Leon Caicedo of the anti-narcotics police. "It has a lot more leaves and a lighter colour than other varieties."

A toxicologist, Camilo Uribe, who studied the coca, said: "The quality and percentage of hydrochloride from each leaf is much better, between 97 and 98 per cent. A normal plant does not get more than 25 per cent, meaning that more drugs and of a higher purity can be extracted."

Experts estimate that the drugs traffickers spent £60 million to develop the new plant, using strains from Peru and crossbreeding them with potent Colombian varieties, as well as engaging in genetic engineering.

The resulting plant has also been bred to resist the gliphosate [aka glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup] chemicals developed in the US that are sprayed on drugs crops across Colombia.

While traditional coca plants are dark green and grow to some 5ft, the new strain grows to more than 12ft.

"What we found were not bushes but trees," Col Caicedo said.

Such an investment by drugs traffickers is small compared to the earnings from what is the most lucrative business on earth. Traffickers can produce a kilogram of cocaine for less than £1,500. That kilogram will sell in Miami for £14,000, in London for £34,000 and in Tokyo would bring £50,000.

The discovery threatens to undermine the successes the US-funded crop eradication programme has enjoyed.

Over the last two years, thanks to an unprecedented aerial eradication campaign, Colombian authorities have sprayed hundreds of thousands of hectares of drug crops, reducing narcotics cultivation by more than a third.

Two years ago Colombia produced an estimated 800 tonnes of cocaine a year. That figure is believed to have dropped below 600 tonnes.

On Monday, Mexican authorities signalled a major blow for the drugs-smuggling gangs when they announced the arrest of the man thought to be a leader of a crime organisation responsible for nearly half the cocaine and marijuana entering the United States.

The US had offered a $2 million (£1.1 million) reward for Gilberto Higuera Guerrero’s capture.

However, such success could be immediately wiped out if the potent new coca strain spreads across Colombia.

In the southern province of Putumayo, once the coca capital of Colombia, drug farmers have changed the way they sow crops in the face of repeated aerial fumigations.

"We know the spray planes need a target area of three hectares," said Sebastian Umaya, standing in the middle of a tiny field of coca. "Now we just have smaller fields, but with more intensive farming of the coca bushes."

Should the new strain be introduced, these smaller fields could yield up to four times more drugs and be immune to aerial eradication, meaning anti-narcotic police would have to eradicate them manually, an impossible task in the southern jungle provinces controlled by Marxist rebels.

The introduction of the new coca strain could undermine the efforts of the Oxford-educated president Alvaro Uribe to win the 40-year civil conflict.

By destroying drugs crops, the president was hoping to weaken the warring factions, both Marxist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries, who between them earn more than £500 million a year from drugs.

The US, the primary destination for Colombian drugs, finances the war effort with £400 million a year and has hailed reduction in drug crops as evidence that its war on drugs is finally bearing fruit.

Original article:

Feb 9, 2003
Hutch said:
lmfao. We don't need any more junkies out there!
Oh didn't you know man? It's cool to be ignorant, uncultured, and a junkie. Like I say, the greatest trick the devil ever played is tricking us into thinking that living in squalor is cool.
Jul 10, 2002
Whether it's potency in increased, decreased, or stays where it's at a Junkie will still be a Junkie... You really think someone who ain't gonna mess with some yay right now will all of the sudden say "hey, I used to not mess with the white, but now that its more potent and genetically modified I'll give it a whirl" come on... Like any coke virgins(myself included) would be like 'Ah well, this is SUPER pure, I may as well take a bump" yeah right.

If we legalized it, then the drug war would end, addicts could come out of the closet (they'd still be shunned like hardcore wino's) but we could tax the revenues, drop the prices, and put the profits to use, like working on effective rehab centers (FYI news flash, Jail ain't the best place and has never been a haven for junkie's to get 'em off dope)...
Aug 31, 2003
JoMoDo said:
Whether it's potency in increased, decreased, or stays where it's at a Junkie will still be a Junkie... You really think someone who ain't gonna mess with some yay right now will all of the sudden say "hey, I used to not mess with the white, but now that its more potent and genetically modified I'll give it a whirl" come on... Like any coke virgins(myself included) would be like 'Ah well, this is SUPER pure, I may as well take a bump" yeah right.

not exactly that but if the coke is of amazing quality and you have a lot of people raving about it it's going to cause interest. just like how ecstasy did .. think of it like this how many people do you think threw down e pills in Cali just cause Mac Dre made that song? not blaming Mac Dre or music just saying that a lot of people especially younger people are going to be influenced by other people raving about how great it is.
Jan 9, 2004
Oh didn't you know man? It's cool to be ignorant, uncultured, and a junkie. Like I say, the greatest trick the devil ever played is tricking us into thinking that living in squalor is cool.

Jan 9, 2004
JoMoDo said:
If we legalized it, then the drug war would end, addicts could come out of the closet (they'd still be shunned like hardcore wino's) but we could tax the revenues, drop the prices, and put the profits to use, like working on effective rehab centers (FYI news flash, Jail ain't the best place and has never been a haven for junkie's to get 'em off dope)...

This is a nice idea but I am unconvinced it would be the actual outcome. Look at tobacco. Heavily taxed but I dont think the numbers of cancer patients is declining no matter how much is spent on TRUTH ads. Also, I think some part of those funds are diverted into people's pockets, but I dont have proof of it. If I did, I'd probably be dead or rich.

Plus, would society want to tax dope fiends to fund rehab centers. What is the incentive for the rehab centers to operate effectively if they are dependent on dope fiends to help fund them. Drugs are just bad especially engineered mutant strains of drugs.
Dec 25, 2003
I agree with TOKZ. Legalization of currently illegal drugs would do nothing but increase the amount of people addicted and using. There is a lot of truth to the idea that people go out of their way to obtain drugs without getting caught, and without these tradtitional barriers people would splurge on unfettered access.

Drugs are drugs, pure and simple. There are no real benefits to consistent drug use of any kind...and regardless of the tax revenue which would be gained through taxing all drugs...the lack of barriers to obtaining them would present far more negative situations than good.

The intrinsic nature of drugs is non-helpful. I don't think additional tax revenue would outweigh the inherent problems drugs present.
May 15, 2002

06-09) 11:11 PDT BOGOTA, Columbia (AP) --

A group of Colombian scientists believe they've found a way to wipe out cocaine production: unleash an army of hungry moth caterpillars. But critics of the proposal say the chance for "ecological mischief" is high.

The plan envisions breeding thousands of beige-colored Eloria Noyesi moths in laboratories, packing them into boxes and releasing them into steamy coca-growing regions of Colombia, the world's main supplier of the drug. The moths, about twice the size of a fly, are native only to the Andean region of South America.

Colombian Environment Minister Sandra Suarez told The Associated Press that the government considers the proposal an "interesting alternative" to existing eradication methods.

Carlos Alberto Gomez, president of the privately funded National Network of Botanical Gardens, made the proposal last week. He said the moths would naturally make a beeline for the coca plants and lay their eggs on the leaves. About a week later, caterpillars would emerge and destroy the plants by devouring the leaves.

Each moth could lay eggs on more than a hundred plants in one month, said Gonzalo Andrade, a biology professor with Colombia's Universidad Nacional, who has been working with the botanical garden group. He called it a natural solution to eradication.

"It would be like fumigating the crops with moths," Andrade said.

But the idea has already drawn criticism.

Ricardo Vargas, director of the Colombian environmental group Andean Action, contended that while the moths may be native to this region, there's nothing natural about releasing thousands of them into small areas. The tropics have the world's most diverse plant life, he said, so the moths would likely threaten other plants as well.

"With a plan like this, the chance for ecological mischief is very high and very dangerous," Vargas said.

Gomez's association also recommended the use of other natural enemies of coca such as fungus.

The proposal, and the Colombian government's interest, comes five years into a massive fumigation program of coca crops in Colombia, paid for and mostly carried out by the U.S. government.

A record number of acres was fumigated by the crop dusters last year, but the total number of acres under cultivation at the end of 2004 was slightly more than the number left over in 2003 after spraying. Peasant farmers have been simply replanting the fast-growing coca, frustrating the eradication efforts.

Andrade said moths would better counter the replanting problem because they would continue to reproduce and attack the plants.

The idea to use biological agents to eradicate coca is not new.

In 2000, the Colombian government rejected a proposal by the United States to introduce a fungus called Fusarium oxysporum to coca plants as a means of eradication. Colombia said it was concerned about possible mutations and adverse affects on people and the environment in the delicate Amazon basin, where most of Colombia's coca is grown.
Nov 6, 2004
what would be really cool is if they could make some cocaine that tasted like sugar and couldnt be detected by drug dogs or cops.Like the movie "starsky and hutch"
Apr 14, 2004
I think that letting those moths out are a really bad idea. Both allowing the plants to grow and destroying them with a bogus method as such is destructive. Selling cocaine is destructive to our people, and eradicating cocaine with these methods will be destructive to our jungles. I say let the people fuck themselves over with their drug addictions because no matter what cocaine will not disapper, and will not be destroyed. There are too many people who wouldn't let that happen. However, our jungles, once destroyed will be harder to recover. And if we keep fucking up the planet, Mother Earth is just going to keep fucking us up...
Mar 9, 2005
Whatever Mother Earth does to us, we deserve it. I think it's about time she started throwing punches, hopefully wake us up before we're completely fucked. I agree with MackRavenn - if people want to take drugs, then fuck em. Releasing the moths is just the governments way of saying that they're losing the battle and they're willing to lose a lot more (the forests themselves) in order to eradicate the coca. Then again, it's just a matter of time before we chop down the remainder of the forests anyway, so either way it's a lose lose situation.

Let's face it. If something drastic doesn't change the way we treat mother earth, then we're all fucked. Like an out of control child, she's gonna spank us hard soon. Luckily I won't be alive to face the full brunt of it though. For the generations to come though, all I can say is GOOD LUCK!
May 12, 2002
^mother earth is doomed anyway. It cant provide forever.

As for the JUNKIES, how about the main DRUG LORDS.
I wonder if many of them will be able to handle the increase. 4 times more is a lot, i bet some of them may slip up or a higher percent of the drug runners end up getting nabbed.

I dont think Moths are a good idea. They can just genetically engineer the coca plants to repel them someday. Then it will be even more poisoness when processed.
Apr 14, 2004
Blight said:
^mother earth is doomed anyway. It cant provide forever.

I believe that we will be wiped out before Mother Earth will die...and once were gone, then she can start to cleanse herself. But I believe that because I believe Mother Earth is a living entity and she is much greater than all of us...when you think about that recent tsunami, and how many people she killed with that, imagine how she may be able to destroy the rest of us...