Wisdom From Islam
Pride Based on Beauty
There is a difference in pride and gratefulness. One should be grateful, and thankful for the blessings that Allah (God) has betostowed on them. But we shouldn't be arrogant, boastfull and full of pride because these are bad characteristics.
It is said in a hadith;
From 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood (rad) who said that the Prophet (pbuh) said,
"No one will enter Paradise who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart." A man said, "What if a man likes his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?" He said, "Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and looking down on people."
This is an excerpt from the famous Ihya Ulumiddin by Imam Ghazali. In society such as ours, pride is a disease that is prevalent in all. From young guys acting like thugs to men acting like kings. From young girls acting like models to women acting like queens. Humbleness is no more in people’s hearts and each one thinks one to be superior to another. People have pride over different things. This is medicine and treatment for people who have pride because of beauty.
This medicine is to look to one’s internal impurity. Look at your belly which is filled up with urine and stool. You have got stool in your stomach, urine in your urinal canal, cold arising out of your nostril, spittle in your mouth, blood in your veins, bad smell, sweat etc. These are signs of your impurity. After all, your origin is from obnoxious semen mixed with menstrual blood. The scholar Taus said to Umar bin Abdul Aziz: “Can he whose belly is full of stool and urine take pride?”
(I understand that this might disgust an individual but this is reality. I guess this is what Imam Ghazali intended to do so that an individual may reflect and be humble of what Allah has gifted him/her with.)
The reality of beauty itself is that it fades with age or it losses its luster through illness. Thus, how can someone have pride on something that is temporary and not under one’s control?
I will continue with other Medicines.
Pride Based on Beauty
There is a difference in pride and gratefulness. One should be grateful, and thankful for the blessings that Allah (God) has betostowed on them. But we shouldn't be arrogant, boastfull and full of pride because these are bad characteristics.
It is said in a hadith;
From 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood (rad) who said that the Prophet (pbuh) said,
"No one will enter Paradise who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart." A man said, "What if a man likes his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?" He said, "Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and looking down on people."
This is an excerpt from the famous Ihya Ulumiddin by Imam Ghazali. In society such as ours, pride is a disease that is prevalent in all. From young guys acting like thugs to men acting like kings. From young girls acting like models to women acting like queens. Humbleness is no more in people’s hearts and each one thinks one to be superior to another. People have pride over different things. This is medicine and treatment for people who have pride because of beauty.
This medicine is to look to one’s internal impurity. Look at your belly which is filled up with urine and stool. You have got stool in your stomach, urine in your urinal canal, cold arising out of your nostril, spittle in your mouth, blood in your veins, bad smell, sweat etc. These are signs of your impurity. After all, your origin is from obnoxious semen mixed with menstrual blood. The scholar Taus said to Umar bin Abdul Aziz: “Can he whose belly is full of stool and urine take pride?”
(I understand that this might disgust an individual but this is reality. I guess this is what Imam Ghazali intended to do so that an individual may reflect and be humble of what Allah has gifted him/her with.)
The reality of beauty itself is that it fades with age or it losses its luster through illness. Thus, how can someone have pride on something that is temporary and not under one’s control?
I will continue with other Medicines.