Preemptive Strike on Easter

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May 13, 2002
Found this amusing...

Beyond Belief Media Launches Preemptive Strike on Easter
Published: Tue, 11 Apr 2006, 17:22:00 GMT

Copies of Controversial Documentary Are Hidden in Churches Throughout U.S

HOLLYWOOD, CA - April 11 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Declaring War on Easter, Beyond Belief Media has launched a preemptive attack on the Christian holiday, the company announced today. "Operation Easter Sanity" has already begun (

Using its documentary THE GOD WHO WASN'T THERE as the chief weapon, Beyond Belief Media is covertly planting DVDs of the film in churches throughout the United States. The popular movie, currently ranked #1 on's independent documentaries list, is critical of the irrational beliefs of Christians and asserts that Jesus Christ did not exist.

A total of 666 DVDs will be hidden like "Easter eggs" in sanctuaries, church yards and other holy areas by Beyond Belief Media's national team of volunteers. The DVDs will be slipped into hymnals and other locations where they are likely to be discovered by unsuspecting worshippers.

Some DVDs of THE GOD WHO WASN'T THERE will be planted by undercover operatives among actual Easter eggs at churches holding egg hunts on Easter Sunday.

"People go to churches to hide from the truth," explained Beyond Belief Media president Brian Flemming, a former Christian fundamentalist. "At no time is this more apparent than Easter, when Christians get together to convince each other that a man died, stayed dead three days, rose from the dead and then flew into the air above the clouds.

"Our nonviolent campaign sends the message that nowhere in the country is safe from the truth. Wherever Christian leaders are indoctrinating children with 2000-year-old fairy tales, the truth may just find its way there.

"Our 'War on Easter' is of course completely without violence of any kind. Christians believe that beating a man to a pulp and nailing him to a cross somehow solves all the world's problems. Beyond Belief Media does not."


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Nice shirt at the end...While I think they have a good idea, some of their ideology is off in my opinion. But I'm not a guru, so it's whatever.
Mar 9, 2005
I dont' know - if someone is trying to pass of fairytales as the truth, then don't you consider it your right to explain to the listeners that they are indeed fairytales? Then again, if they're that gullable, then so be it. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a copy of that doco though. Good thread 2-0-Sixx.

By the way 2-0-Sixx - is that Paris in your sig?
May 13, 2002
I’ve seen the documentary and although it’s way to short (I think only an hour and 20 minutes or so) it’s worth watching. Brian Flemming does make a lot of good points and raises lots of questions. I believe he is planning on releasing a more in depth documentary on 06-06-06 called “The Beast.”

As for the so called “War on Easter” I think it’s simply for publicity and a satirical spin on last years “War on Christmas” that Fox news created. I’m not even sure if anyone is really going in to churches and leaving these movies.

And Hutch yeah it’s Paris.
Jul 6, 2002
Eastre was the semetic goddess who represented fertility, thus the designated symbol of a rabbit (easter bunny), and the egg (new life). About 10 years after constantine announced that xtianity would be the "official" religion of rome, he callled together a panel to come up with some ideas to convert the pagan society to xtianity, so they decided have a xtain holiday to miror every pagan one so that the masses would adopt the xtain ones over time. he was smart becasue it worked. everry holiday i ask xtains why they celebrate the holiday (xmax. easter), and what the symbolic meaning of xmas tree, bunny ect, and they never know. modern christianity = churchanity
Jan 28, 2006
Psycho Logic said:
hmm.. if someone doesn't believe in god, thats one thing.. but for shittin on people that do believe, that aint right.
its not right as long as the ones who are in religion do not try to convince the ones who are not to join