practicing political punchlines like a pundit

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Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
Poetry in particular...

They think im un political because i roam the streetz-
but the streetz are my haven from the neo-con deciet-

a retreat is what id call, because the rich are taking over-
all agendaz have an army, always looking for a soldier-

the CIA got that white, in afghan they need that hop-
IRAQI's had the texas tea but they will fight for what they got-

probably each other, ain it sad yes its true-
PNAC has been exposed but what are we going to do??-

IDOLS on at 9 and the gamez about to start...
say ill do it tomarrow, and my rear ill go and park..

we're sitting on a cover-up, wanting someone else to fix it-
the ones who know they have a voice are the ones, truely gifted-

theres a lot going,but we will never know-
bush did the towerz, whered the blackboxes go?-

awaken the sleeping, man its time to be aware-
of the comfort coverin ur eyes that truely isnt there..
Oct 28, 2005
TROLL said:
IDOLS on at 9 and the gamez about to start...
say ill do it tomarrow, and my rear ill go and park..
For the love of God (or whoever), please do not do that again. If you're gonna write, write. No need to use the Freestyle stalling tactics.

Other than that, nothing really stuck out. Really though, you can either whittle it down and call it poetry....or spice it up and make a solid rap verse. Or just scrap it, which would be a waste of some good ideas you put in here.
Aug 8, 2003
Dirty Shoez said:
For the love of God (or whoever), please do not do that again. If you're gonna write, write. No need to use the Freestyle stalling tactics.

Other than that, nothing really stuck out. Really though, you can either whittle it down and call it poetry....or spice it up and make a solid rap verse. Or just scrap it, which would be a waste of some good ideas you put in here.
huh?? what stalling tactic??? that whole bar was an answer to the question posed by the one before it..OH and i didnt use cuss words because its supposed to get read over the air..
Oct 28, 2005
There is no name for it that I know of, but it's something that is done, A) when freestyling, or B) By REALLY amateur rappers.

Amateur rapper versions:
"If you talkin smack, in your face you'll get slapped!"
"If i wanna get inside, to her house I'mma ride!"

Freestyle version:

"I seen this one dude.....he was talkin smack...

(Thinking...Thinking...for the past 3 seconds, thinking of something, ANYTHING to rhyme with Smack......OK, I got it! "Slap!" But how??...Too late to think of a good way...Here comes line #2):

"So I walked up on him....and in his face, he got slapped!"

It just sounds bad. Especially on a song or freestyle (prestyle), because you had all that time to re-write it...and didn't. It's comes across as not knowing any better.

This is one reason why Multis are taking over.

"You know exactly what'll happen in the place.../
If you gone talk, probably gettin slapped in the face"

There's people that can, when Freestyle, spit out that Happen in the Place rhyme.....then in that same 3 seconds it takes someone to think of a one-syllable rhyme, match it with 4-6 syllables. I used to be able to pull it off, but not any more.

But thats a whole other topic......
Aug 8, 2003
yeah i didnt pre-write any of this, hence the "practicing" in the thread title, but i know what your saying... a pre-written bar will flow much smoother with the wordplay..
Oct 28, 2005
Stall tactic...rhyming mechanism...honestly, I still don't have a clue what to call it. When you do martial arts, boxing, etc, there's a name for everything. Lyricism is a whole other thing...

All i know is, I know these things when I see them and can do a decent job explaining. So if you can't meet me halfway, there's probably a reason.
Aug 8, 2003
Dirty Shoez said:
Stall tactic...rhyming mechanism...honestly, I still don't have a clue what to call it. When you do martial arts, boxing, etc, there's a name for everything. Lyricism is a whole other thing...

stall tactic wouldnt be the best word to describe it, if this was supposed to be spit with a beat i would understand more of where u were coming from because i know during freestyling some just throw words in making it totally non sequiter contrary to the topic of the sentence or the song. but this is poetry, theres really not supposed to be a rythm to it....

Dirty Shoez said:
All i know is, I know these things when I see them and can do a decent job explaining. So if you can't meet me halfway, there's probably a reason.
miscommunication perhaps??
Aug 8, 2003
thatguy said:
he is write, and i dont see the stall tactic in it, just it seems rushed, you should reword it, then it'll be straight
fa sho, if this was somthing i was going to put on a track i would, but im jus throwing shit out there when it first comes up..
Jan 1, 2006
dont even trip cuz, that shit is dope, you definately on the right path, i am definatly starting to incoperate a more political standpoint in my rhymes as well, we need more rap and other forms of art to actually stand for something, and spread truth. keep it up
Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
This is one reason why Multis are taking over.
Multis are taking over because the game is stepping up. Multis make the whole verse sound more complex and smooth. Anybody can rhyme, not everyone can rhyme multiple syllables. Then there are those who can rhyme multis, but can't seem to say anything when they do. I had a dude diss me and he said some shit like "faggots mumble-when-they-spit, I'm in trouble-with-this-diss, comin from-a-couple-kids, I'll put my muzzle-to-his-lips" or some shit like that. He rhymed but said absolutely nothing, and this went on for about 4 minutes. Multis seperate the Cat In The Hat rappers with those who have true lyrical ability.

Dirty Shoez said:
"You know exactly what'll happen in the place.../
If you gone talk, probably gettin slapped in the face"
If you're gonna give an example of a multi, make sure it is one. That mockery of a multi was more forced than Micheal Jackson's sex adventures. "Happen in the place" and "slapped in the face" would need another syllable to make it a multi. You'd have to add the word "up" after "slapped."

"You know exactly what'll happen-in-the-place/
If you gone talk, probably gettin slapped-up-in-the-face"

Even after doing so, it still would sound slightly forced.

Dirty Shoez said:
There's people that can, when Freestyle, spit out that Happen in the Place rhyme.....then in that same 3 seconds it takes someone to think of a one-syllable rhyme, match it with 4-6 syllables. I used to be able to pull it off, but not any more.
It's funny that you say you used to be able to do it, because when you used to post your writtin shit, you couldn't handle multis. But you used to be able to freestyle them? And judging by that sorry attempt at one above, I'd say you haven't gotten any better.

@ Troll, shit is good homie.