AaronDontezGr8t said:
Oh yeah, we didnt know that the shit would sell out like that so we didnt have tickets to get in. I was not about to fucking miss the show after a 7 hour drive so I had to pay $20 to some people that didnt really know tech they just wanted to see a show. I wish concerts out here would sell out like that. Maybe Tech would come more often then.
Out of sheer curiosity, how did you come to paying 20 bucks to someone that doesn't know who Tech is?? You mean you bought 20 tickets from a scalper? I don't think so... You're saying that they wanted to see a show, but what in gods name would you have to give them 20 bucks for?
I'm drunk so let me explain what I'm sayin'... You needed to get into a sold out show, so you paid 20 bucks to people that were already......
I could easily delete all this shit and pretend this never happened, but I'd rather say "Oh.... I'm a drunk fuck. I get it now."
You got tickets off some bitch that was too busy trying to satisfy his need for entertainment to understand the value of a Tech show.
I'll crawl away into my drunken hole now where I belong, but before I do, I'd like to mention that I hope to god that I can buy a Tech ticket for a measly 20$ scalper price when he come to NY.