Post-Blue NOte

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Oct 9, 2002
Just wanted to be the first to say that the blue note show was off the hook, though i really cant hear much of anything. Tech did "worst enemy" for the first time and it was the shit. Props to the Strage crew and i cant wait till they come back again!

Mar 9, 2003
the newer songs that he performed was:

worst enemy
sinister tech

Kutt performed one of his new tracks, he's a bad motherfucker. His cd will be off the hook.

This Tech performance was the best that I have ever seen. I've been to two of his other one's but he blew the roof off this bitch.
Dec 2, 2002
It was definately the shit

i got my fti shirt signed at the mall

then i got hella fucked up before the show

this is the first time i got to see tech live and it was it was definately phat shyt!
Sep 12, 2002
HAHAHAHA that was the fucking shit! I just got home from my shitty ass car ride but it was fucking worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat and I will soon. Thanks tech for putting on the best show i have ever seen in my life. I have never seen anyone move the whole crowd like that. He could have just held the mic to the crowd and let them sing everything. Fucking amazing is all I have to say. I should be coming back soon to another show. I wore my FTI shirt but just felt like a follower since EVERYONE fucking had one. Anyways that was a tight ass show and I will be back, next time i can hopefully meet tech or get a pic with him or some shit. Either was I had a great time.
Sep 12, 2002
Oh yeah, we didnt know that the shit would sell out like that so we didnt have tickets to get in. I was not about to fucking miss the show after a 7 hour drive so I had to pay $20 to some people that didnt really know tech they just wanted to see a show. I wish concerts out here would sell out like that. Maybe Tech would come more often then.
Nov 14, 2002
Whats the chance that when Tech comes to NY I can be one of those kats standin' at the back of the stage watchin' him perform from the other side of the mic? I don't even wanna stand with the rest of the crowd cuz when he finally comes to NY there's just gonna be a bunch of bandwagon jumpers in the crowd. Needless to say I like to hit dick riders and don't want to be kicked out of my first Tech show.

(This question is 55% hope, 15% joke and 30% nut ridin'... Come on Tech or Trav, you know if someones gonna caress ya balls, you'd like it to be Zer0.MediA..LoL)

Hey, at least I don't cover up my nut ridin' like Lejo_Broke.... I wanna dip a bit on the inside.... Is that so fuckin' wrong?
Nov 14, 2002
AaronDontezGr8t said:
Oh yeah, we didnt know that the shit would sell out like that so we didnt have tickets to get in. I was not about to fucking miss the show after a 7 hour drive so I had to pay $20 to some people that didnt really know tech they just wanted to see a show. I wish concerts out here would sell out like that. Maybe Tech would come more often then.

Out of sheer curiosity, how did you come to paying 20 bucks to someone that doesn't know who Tech is?? You mean you bought 20 tickets from a scalper? I don't think so... You're saying that they wanted to see a show, but what in gods name would you have to give them 20 bucks for?

I'm drunk so let me explain what I'm sayin'... You needed to get into a sold out show, so you paid 20 bucks to people that were already......

I could easily delete all this shit and pretend this never happened, but I'd rather say "Oh.... I'm a drunk fuck. I get it now."

You got tickets off some bitch that was too busy trying to satisfy his need for entertainment to understand the value of a Tech show.

I'll crawl away into my drunken hole now where I belong, but before I do, I'd like to mention that I hope to god that I can buy a Tech ticket for a measly 20$ scalper price when he come to NY.
Aug 18, 2002
that was a very fuckin coooool show.

Worst enemy was off the fuckin hook. i been waitin forever for him to do psycho bitch... that shit was crushin. sinister rhyme minister tech n9ne, ohhh man. & sinister tech, leaves me speechless.

bishop tech once again rocked the motherfuckin show like a sumbitch.. the fuckin sound went out during einstein & we still were fuckin rockin the place.. tech just kept goin & we just kept goin.. fuckin shit.. it was tight.

had some pre=show titties on stage too & some ass shakin.. not bad :)

very fuckin good shit, worth the damn drivin & much luv to slizzzide for all the shit.
Sep 12, 2002
Yeah zero, let me explain a little more. Me and 2 other people did not have tickets to the show by the time we got there which was around 7:30. It was sold out by then and I was not about to just go chill at this dudes house and miss the show. We went through the line and luckily found 3 idiots that were willing to give up their tickets for $20. I asked them why they were selling them and they said because they dont really know tech that much and didnt give a shit. Either way I could care less since I obviously was on the good end of the deal.

$20 a person by the way. I dont want you to think I got a better deal than all of you. I was also very happy you guys had some Sam Adams cream stout down there. I havent had that for a while.
Aug 8, 2002
Shit....there were motherfuckers heart broken at the instore when Travis was tellin them that the show was sold out.

I swear one girl was gonna cry....haha.

I felt bad for one dude....i saw him at the box office tryin to get a ticket and he had FTI and shit on his face......but they were sold out. That's why they created ticketmaster folks. Buy shit in advance and you wont need to worry.

I can't believe you had the juevos to come down here from Chicago w/o tickets man......thats ballsy. At least you got in though.
Sep 12, 2002
HAHA one of you bitches could have warned me it was going to be like that. :) I was at this dudes crib and was like "fuck this man we better go cuz we NEED to get tickets." He was like "dont worry man if we go an hour in advance we will be fine." He has been a tech show there before so I had faith. Next time will be a different story though.
Aug 8, 2002

"if we go an hour in advance we'll be fine"


The line was already around the building when we arrived for soundcheck at whatever time we got there.....6ish.

Plus, the reaon there were plenty of walk up tickets still available last time was because it was during Thanksgiving break and a lot of people weren't in town.

For the future, i would urge everyone to buy their tickets in advance for these shows. You know.....just to be safe.
Sep 12, 2002
Damn man, I had no clue it would have been like that. I guess I was lucky as hell. Anyways I think I saw the person who put up his name in the newspaper article saying that they love tech n9ne. A real big motherfucker with a mustache. I cant find the post right now and I cant remember who it was.
Aug 8, 2002
yeah.....being the fact it was all ages too didnt help your cause either. If it was 18 and up you might have been able to get tickets at the window for a bit, but not long.

and the dude you're talkin about is Idenity-X i think.