Some people aren't as good live. On Wed. Tech showed his true talent. It was the coolest live concert I've seen. All of the songs were great, I could barely be still during the whole thing.
I lost site of two of my friends, and when I went to find them they were talking to Tech's body guard. Nick talked to them and they ended up being the ones that took Tech's robe off later on during the concert!
Thank you Nick and Joe for being so chill and awesome to talk to. You made the exp. that much better! It WAS Joe's idea to make the skirt part and the slit, talk about multi talented!
Much love going out to Travis! It truly was an honor getting to meet you! You totally made our night and an unforgettable exp. Letting us stay on stage and such... how many dudes are that cool? I don't know. Thank you Travis!
and the most thanks goes out Tech. Thank you so much for a killer show. The opening shows were awesome, the music was as good as always, and succeeded in making me impatient for the next go around. I don't go running around shouting about every new performer I hear. I respect you, for the music I love and now for the fact that I know you're such a chill person, off stage and on.
It's about the music, and the people. It's beautiful. Keep it up man! We'll be seeing you again. And next time, I'm going to have a pen so I can actually get some signatures.
Thanks everyone!
I lost site of two of my friends, and when I went to find them they were talking to Tech's body guard. Nick talked to them and they ended up being the ones that took Tech's robe off later on during the concert!
Thank you Nick and Joe for being so chill and awesome to talk to. You made the exp. that much better! It WAS Joe's idea to make the skirt part and the slit, talk about multi talented!
Much love going out to Travis! It truly was an honor getting to meet you! You totally made our night and an unforgettable exp. Letting us stay on stage and such... how many dudes are that cool? I don't know. Thank you Travis!
and the most thanks goes out Tech. Thank you so much for a killer show. The opening shows were awesome, the music was as good as always, and succeeded in making me impatient for the next go around. I don't go running around shouting about every new performer I hear. I respect you, for the music I love and now for the fact that I know you're such a chill person, off stage and on.
It's about the music, and the people. It's beautiful. Keep it up man! We'll be seeing you again. And next time, I'm going to have a pen so I can actually get some signatures.