Please Help if you can

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May 13, 2002
Well, I had a very fucked up day today. I went to my school in the morning to pay my tuition, and for some unknown reason they dropped my classes and now I cant get into the classes cuz they are full.

Thats not the problem. The thing is when I left school I was drivin hella fast to get to work on time and some faggot ass drone polled me over. He gave me a $615 ticket for doing 80 in a 60 and the rest was for no proof on insurance.

I got insurance, thats not a problem, all I have to do is show the judge proof and that shit will be dropped.

My Problem is that my driving record is FUCKED and one more ticket means my insurance will drop me.

If any one knows anything I can do to get out of this ticket, please, PLEASE help me out.

If I cant drive, I cant go to school, work, stores, everything. Ill be fucked. Any help would be much appreciated.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Did he say that he clocked you in at 80? or he just said, you were doing 80? what i would tell them that you have a fuckin police radar scanner (the shit that tells you if a cops radar is on) and that it was NOT going off when you were being pulled over, before youwere pulled over, or after.....that COULD work.....the other thing is....tell your insurance to fuck off, and go to Vern sister has a fucked up driving record too, 4 stolen cars, 5+ accidents, 5+ tickets, and pays $93 per MONTH on a 94 Acura Legend.....FULL COVERAGE. You could try them or you can try the BS lines that I just said......


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
Fuck That!!!!

Its cool homie keep your head up! the person who pulled you over is just a little whore being pimed by someone, he or she is brainwashed. What a bitch!!! just go to court get plead innocent and hope the bitch dosent show up. the person who did this probobly had a bad day and decided to take it out on someone and that someone was you!!! and you not being able to function without a car means no work no work means no money no school to get further and that person that did that dosent give a simple damn, the cop that is!!!!1 Good luck homie and try to get that money to pay that shit do whatever it takes, peace!!!!
May 13, 2002
Well first thing to do is get a court date. Next request the police officers reports--Don't do that too soon atleast wait a week or more. If when you get the reports and check the date they were filed on. NOT the day he wrote them up but the day he turned them in. If it is more then 48 hours then you get off because of that. He must turn in the report within 48 hours (however, weekends don't count I believe) But if you got the ticket on Wed and it's not in by Friday point that out to the judge and your off. However, if it was filed in time the next step is to reschedule the first court date they send you in the mail. Do this about 2-3 weeks before the court date. This will help you in two ways. First of all the 1st court date is set according to the cops schedule (oh and remember to request that the cop shows up) the 2nd date is not set according to his schedule and if he doesn't show say your case relied on him being there and you are off. However, delaying the first court date helps you in another way because if the cop does show up and you don't get yourself off you bought yourself about 2-3 months EXTRA before the ticket goes on your insurance.

Oh and also check the police report for his mention of the laser gun being checked by him before he starting his shift. If he does not mention that you may get off (however this one sometimes depends on the judge). But one other thing that doesn't depend on the judge is if you request the laser guns service records. I forgot how often they must be serviced but if it is not serviced on the proper schedule you will get off....I will have to check on the timing.

Yes, tickets suck. I have gotten 4 but only 1 is on my record.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Fuck That!!!!

Joey said:
Its cool homie keep your head up! the person who pulled you over is just a little whore being pimed by someone, he or she is brainwashed. What a bitch!!! just go to court get plead innocent and hope the bitch dosent show up. the person who did this probobly had a bad day and decided to take it out on someone and that someone was you!!! and you not being able to function without a car means no work no work means no money no school to get further and that person that did that dosent give a simple damn, the cop that is!!!!1 Good luck homie and try to get that money to pay that shit do whatever it takes, peace!!!!

wonderful fuckin advice from someone who has no clue how REALITY WORKS. lmao:confused:


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002

wonderful fuckin advice from someone who has no clue how REALITY WORKS. lmao

Ok im sorry for postin mr sixxness, i wont speak my mind anymore ok!!! Im sorry you dont understand my thinking, for i dont live like a puppet!!! I wont try to explain my way of thinking it might be to complex for your way of thought.....! Your way of reality is one of a manmade kind...they lay down the path and you follow......Sorry but i have a different way of thinking called "my own"..............Sorry i dont comply with the way you live....but if you didnt understand people are different and have their own minds........