Picked UP the new Bone

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Sep 15, 2002
It was alright, but the intro had me fooled, I thought they were going to get back to their roots. But they only had one song that was hard. A lot of the songs were tight, but only one was hard.

They should do at least two or three songs, that is dark, thuggish, and raw, just to show niggaz they still got it. And Bizzy killed a couple songs. Nigga sounded like he was on sumpthin funny while making the first half of the cd. There were two really tight songs I heard snippets of, off of the internet but weren't on the cd, so that was dissapointing. But the cd was still alright, and worth getting.
Jun 16, 2002
What songs I wanna donwload em cuz i aint buyin it Every bone is worse than the last But its still good cause east 1999 was classic
Oct 8, 2002
fucc Bone.....All they music is straight garbage........How can yall even listen to that shit?

If yall gonna talk bout Bone then get the fucc off of Cin Sity
Sep 15, 2002
Nigga shut the fuck UP. DO you expect folx to just sit here and talk about Doomsday all the time? I'm a big Doom fan, but don't expect me to ride the dick like some bitches. This maybe a CinSity forum, but it's also a forum that disscusses music. Shit, even Playboy has discussed music on this forum other than CinSity.

Some niggaz on here are both fans of Doom and Bone. I just wrote that it's not that great of a cd.So why the fuck should you care? If you don't like the topic nigga, don't read it.

I haven't heard Doom, or any moderaters say anything, cuz they could give a fuck.

So should you.
Sep 15, 2002
Antamossity? Who the hell is you? I was reffering to "Crippin". I don't like Bone that much. I sure as hell don't like them enough to go on some Bone forum neither. Shit, Playboy said it himself, if we want to discuss other music on here, we can.

As long as I've been on this forum, I've always posted my opinion on new cds I buy. Ask anyone who's been here long enough, or visit the old posts. Where were YOU gettin all butt hurt when I wrote about Clika's new cd? Or Murderous Klick, or Space Hog, or Kurupt? You wasn't saying nothin then were you? SO you don't like Bone? SO!!? Just cuz you don't like Bone, you expect me not write my opinion on the cd I just bought? Naw,fuck that.

Like I said before, I know some folx UP on here, listen to Bone. Some didn't know if they wanted to get it. SO I wrote what I thought about it, cuz this IS a music forum.

And as I recall, you was the one comin out the woods talkin shit, just cuz I stated MY opinion.

Which is it, Ant-A Mosscity, or Crippin? I guess it don't matter, cuz either way you sound ignorant.

Maybe YOU should take your own advice, and start thinkin.
Sep 15, 2002

It was cool, the intro reminded me of how they used to be, it was a tight way to start the cd of. This cd reminded me a little bit of Art of War. And Bizzy sounded like a fuckin crack head on some songs. I think the best song on there was Pump,Pump: Money,Money: Not My Baby. Bone, Bone, Bone was tight too. Guess Who's Back was tight until Bizzy spit, he killed it. But Bizzy did snap on All the Way, nigga just went off.

But the best sone was Pump,Pump. They doin nicer songs now.

If they did more shit like the Intro they would get some of their fans and respect back.

3deanhg, how do you know they goin to do some shit like they used to?
May 10, 2002
im like the bigest bone fan inthe world and this cd was goin to be a double cd lie AOW was but TOmica said no and choose tracks from the 30 the submitted and i hav alot of their unreleased music and the next album is goin to be lie e.99 .. like the song Mr. Quiji 3 is hard and the album is to be called A bone Thug story. and i met lay, kray and Wish last fri when they were here for a concert and i was askin all these question bout shit the other folks dont know and wish was like come here where u here that at and i told him (btnhboard.com) he like oh. and he told the new shit will be hard and he let me here some solos songs he did they were tyte and lay was talkin bout the new Mo thugs 4 since i asked him bout due out jan. and i asked bout dj u neek instu. album due out nov and i got a dude name briuce hathcock cd its cool....but i know everything bout bone if u got a question holla at me
Sep 15, 2002
HHHMMM. If thats tru than coo. Ain't Wish ever going to drop a solo? And I thought they kicked Bizzy out the group, they said that shit on a magazine. Did they say when they goin to drop the new shit? And Dj U Neek droppin an instrumental cd? When is that droppin? LT Hutton should drop an instrumental cd too. I met him at the Fanstastic Swap Meet on Decatur.
May 10, 2002
U-Neek should drop in DEC. yea bizzy was out the group for a brief minute he had to get his shit together but he bac. he also eokin on a couple if movies.Wish drops in March i think...the u-neek album will also have bonous tracks of unrelease bone songs from e.99 times and first versions of songs off e.999 and stuff from othe pepps like eazy and others......

Sep 15, 2002
When would they drop they new shit thats supposed to be like how they used to do? I think you called it A Thug Story or sumpthin. When would that drop?
Sep 15, 2002
I can't wait for the DJ-U-Neek instrumental, is it going to be released nationally?

Yesterday I was watching BET and I saw a video with Mystikal and Krayzie Bone, and I think the Eastside Boys. Do you know they name of that song, I didn't catch it.
Jun 21, 2002
Caught 'em in Concert here in NY... Gotta clear fake rumors, Bizzy NEVER fell off stage or slipped. He walked out... Anyhow, Thug World Order is tight musically. Bone Bone Bone, Bad Weed Blues, What About Us, Pump Pump, Cleveland is The City & Home is good shit. Pump Pump uses that cock n' shoot sound you hear in Thug Luv... Also, to Rap fans.. start gettin' into MUSIC not just catchy lines n' repetitive beats... really.

Also, BTNHRessurection was tight. If you actually listened to the whole joint you'd know.. Also, if you cared about what's goin' on in the World n' how the government is fn' with your mind, you'd know... Bone never fell off... I think the general audience needs to level up a bit. Talkin' bout fictional shit like 666 is only good for Halloween. It never goes down in History. Ya know, True Artists gotta write their legacy... Bone now talks about reality n' the survival of the individual so fuck what you think you know.

PS: Yea Bizzy didn't shine like he usually does on some tracks off TWO, but then again, whenever he came tight, shit was memorable.