i went to phils two weeks ago, didnt even know they had moved. the new place is tight. got flatscreens everywhere and a bar inside too.....and the food is still good as fuck
I didnt know they moved either. I was rollin by there the other day...Almost broke my neck when I seen it...Its down on Sports Arena by the Mens Fashion Depot...
yeah across from the fashion depot i think i used to be a soup and salad place..its funny cause they got a whole hell of alot more room and the line was still out the door
haha phils is my favorite BBQ i ever been to. their ribs are the fuckin shit! i made sure to eat there when i was in dago last weekend. the new place is tight, but goddamn they are still crowded as fuck. lukilly we called in our order but there was still a line damn near around the corner of the building