Pat Robertson Accuses Chaves of funding Bin Laden, nukes

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May 13, 2002
This guy just doesn't stop does he? As you recall, Robertson recently called for the assasination of Chavez.


US TV Minister Accuses Venezuela's President Chavez of Nuclear Ambitions
By Michael Bowman
09 October 2005
Televangelist Pat Robertson makes remarks on the Christian Broadcasting Network show "The 700 Club"

An American Christian minister who recently called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says the Venezuelan leader poses a nuclear threat to the United States.

In August, television evangelist Pat Robertson made headlines when he suggested the United States assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez rather than watch the South American leader spread Marxist ideology throughout the region. Days later, Mr. Robertson apologized for the remarks.

But appearing on CNN's Late Edition program, Mr. Robertson, a one-time Republican presidential aspirant, made new charges against President Chavez.

"This man is setting up a Marxist-type dictatorship in Venezuela. He is trying to spread Marxism throughout South America. He is negotiating with the Iranians to get nuclear material, and he also sent $1.2 million in cash to Osama bin Laden right after [the terrorist attacks of] 9-11," said Mr. Robertson.
Mr. Robertson declined to say how he had learned of the accusations he was making, saying only that he was passing along information he had

But while repeating that he does not believe Mr. Chavez should be killed, he characterized the Venezuelan leader as a problem that should be dealt with.

"One day we are going to be staring at nuclear weapons, and it will not be [Hurricane] Katrina facing New Orleans, it is going to be a Venezuelan nuke [weapon]. So my suggestion was, is it not a lot cheaper, sometimes, to deal with these problems before you have to have a big war?" he added.
The Bush administration has denied any plan to remove President Chavez from power, and says that Mr. Robertson's comments in no way reflect U.S. policy.

Venezuelan officials have described Mr. Robertson's August remarks as criminal and a form of terrorism. Venezuelan political analysts say Mr.Robertson's comments have played into the hands of Mr. Chavez, aself-avowed socialist who for years has accused the United States of plotting against him.
Apr 25, 2002
Venezuela's got about as many WMD's as Iraq did before the war. :rolleyes:

Of all the countries in Latin America there are a significant number more that are & have been/ould be closer to a nuke than Venezuela.

Dude is senile and needs to wake up to the fact that every move the u.s. makes against venezuela pushes the country further left and makes Chavez more popular. They could have been better off with the Chavez from 5 years ago instead of the one they have worked so hard to create that they have now.
May 19, 2005
any of yall think that WE have wmd's hidden away???wouldnt dougt it for a suckin second, YOU CANT HAVE THOSE THINGS,OR WELL FIRE OUR THINGS...ONTO YOUR THINGS...SO YOU DONT HAVE ANYMORE THINGS


Sicc OG
May 26, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
Venezuela's got about as many WMD's as Iraq did before the war. :rolleyes:

Of all the countries in Latin America there are a significant number more that are & have been/ould be closer to a nuke than Venezuela.

Dude is senile and needs to wake up to the fact that every move the u.s. makes against venezuela pushes the country further left and makes Chavez more popular. They could have been better off with the Chavez from 5 years ago instead of the one they have worked so hard to create that they have now.
u are 100% right bout other LA countries being closer to building a nuke...check this out
Apr 25, 2002
Yes and Argentina was/is very close just like Brazil.

And if the safty of the population of the U.S. from nuke related causes were an issue it would be a great case for ending the Cuban embargo and developing a close working relationship to solve their power situation and ensure the saftey of their nuke power plant (similar make as the Chernoble reactor) that if it ever had a melt down could poison parts of the U.S.

AND even if chavez did have a nuke he wouldn't posses the means to deliver it to the U.S. anyway.
Apr 25, 2002
Nuclear power is cost competitive with other forms of electricity generation, except where there is direct access to low-cost fossil fuels. Which is why Cuba wants one and Venezuela doesn't need one.

Right now Cuba is importing most, if not all, of it's fossil fuels to power the country. Which is why the relationship with Venezuela is so important because they are getting such a good deal on oil to prop up their faulty power grids. (important reason to understand when wondering why the U.S. is REALLY messing with Venezuela). Thus it's more likely that Cuba is/was working with Iran to bring their nuke power online than Venezuela.

Venezuela has no need for Nukes untill the U.S. attempts an invasion. See Step 2 in my reply to this thread:
They wouldn't need nukes until post-step 2 and then they probably still wouldn't get them.

Which is why robertson is so senile. Venezuela doesn't need nukes for weapons or for power. He's just out there trying to stir up support for U.S. intervention against Venezuela.
Apr 25, 2002