Speaking on paranoya....
Anyone notice how out of control this mass paranoya has gotten ever since 911?
At first it was cool, yeah get the Taliban for not giving Bin Laden up is what people said.
Then white people in power started losing site of nationalities.
They morphed all Arabs as one and tied Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now they're down right hysterical, targetting illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latino America.
You notice they're now bunching up anyone who's brown?
I'd be worried if I were black, cuz black folks are next.
The bridge? Gangs....
They're accusing Latino gangs, saying some are affiliated with terrorists.
And of coarse, Latino gangs are affiliated with Black gangs.
So there you have it.....
Get ready for a bumpy ride....
Next thing you know, we'll just be a step away from Martial law....