Own a cell phone?

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Own a cell phone?

  • Yes, I own or perviously owned a cell phone

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • Nope, never.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • No, never but thats because I'm poor. I fucking want one bad!

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Ninjas are cool

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters
May 13, 2002
So I think I'm the last person in america to have never owned a cell phone. For some strange reason I've resisted the idea- something about the phone companies and the billions of dollars they rip off from people. Also it seems like there was just this instant wave, like a fad, of everyone rushing out to get the new cool phone. Wow, my phone takes pictures. That's nothing; mine can take 15 second video clips. Oh yeah? Mine can shoot poisoned ninja darts out of the antenna.
Aug 8, 2002
I've had a cell phone of some sort since '97. The first one was a bag phone that i kept in my truck...and it was a pre-paid shit for emergancy use only. Then as friends started to move away and i realized how much of a rip off long distance service was i decided to get a cell phone in 98. I dont even know what my minutes were at the time, but i think it was only about 20 bucks a month. Now i'm on my 4th different phone....and if the moto razr isn't outdated by december i'm planning on getting that.

oh, and i probablly went from about 250mins/month for 29 to 1200 mins/month for 100 on a shared plan with my sister.

my question is.....who invented text messages? i want to kill that guy....i gotta pay an extra 10 bucks a month just because my friends are too lazy to pick up their phone and call me.
Dec 11, 2002
I think I got my first cell phone over 10 years ago...but I've had this same number for close to four..

I've had 8-9-10 different phones during that time (oh yeah!.. the salesmen jump up to open the door, offer bottled water or whatever when they see me comin'..!!) because my phone is like my arm... never leave home without it.. its always attached.. (I dont always answer it... but..) .. and I always want a new one.. all the freakin' bells and whistles.. its bad.

Its bullshit that AT&T/Cingular hasnt come out with their "better than the TMobile Sidekick" phone... thats the one I wanted when I traded off my last phone.

I get 1800 anytime... free nights/week-ends.. unlimited text/internet.... $69.99
Feb 27, 2004
yeah ninjas come sicc with it!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont have a cell phone either, dont care if i never get one. and i wont feel all cool badass if i do get one.

damn, ninjas are so cool. imma go watch some bruce lee shit right now
Feb 9, 2003
naner12 said:
i own a cell phone but i had to go with the ninjas are cool option.
I'll be damned if Ninjas aren't fucking cool...especally Snake Eyes. Anyways, I fought the cellphone thing too damn long but I eventually caved in. Pretty handy to have one.
Jan 29, 2005
techn9nehq said:
....and if the moto razr isn't outdated by december i'm planning on getting that.
You don't want the moto razr, biggest rip off in the world, my boy works at Cingular and said its a $500 dollar phone that cingular and motorola both refuse to insure, plus the only extra thing it has is your regular old camera phone, plus theres a huge problem with them breaking all the time, my boy said his store has a big problem with people trying to return them because they're so shitty.

Oh yeah.....NINJAS RULE
Aug 8, 2002
KALYN said:
I get 1800 anytime... free nights/week-ends.. unlimited text/internet.... $69.99
I NEED THIS PLAN!!! How did you get it? Through Cingular?

Also good lookin out on the razr.....i've never insured a phone and i've been very lucky to never break one *knock on wood* but for a company to not be able to insure it.....thats bullshit.
Dec 11, 2002
techn9nehq said:
I NEED THIS PLAN!!! How did you get it? Through Cingular?

Its actually from AT&T and Cingular honored it rather than have me switch.... its the reg plan + 200 Corporate mins + 200 Customer Appreciation Mins

See... what happened was...... LOL... :paranoid:

I used to let lil "extra" stupid charges on my bill go... like fuck it and just pay my bill... wellllll.. one day I was ON ONE and I called and started flashin'... I stayed on the phone for a long ass time, we're talkin' hours.. got transfered.. got disconnected, etc...

I did this 3-4 times over a course of months.. I wouldnt let a freakin' dime get charged on my bill...

.. one lovely Sunday afternoon.. I got this one chica who got the "escalated call" laced me.... she gave me all this unlimited shit for life due to all my "issues" I had had in the past...


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
i've had a cell phone for like 5 years now...I've had the same number for the past 3, and I've had like 5 phones...2 of them broke...I use to bring my phone with me everywhere, but then that stopped...Its much nicer when people can't always get ahold of you...Plus, when I'm in class I can't talk anyway...But its really annoying when people's phones are goin off in class, some of the fucks actually answer...Then the professors get all huffy...Seems like EVERYONE has a cell phone though, I know it's not really everyone, cause I have some friends that don't have them, but generally speaking, people do have one.
Sep 5, 2003
I dont got a phone in the house I live in, so everyone got cell phones....but I prob wouldn't have one if there was a phone in my house...I got Cricket,......unlimited minutes in Colorado + 1000 minutes anywhere in US for 50 dollaz a month....its pretty koo, I never worry bout minutes endin...usin that Audiovox 8910 phone...Cricket dont got too many phone 2 choose from but service is hella sicc!
May 11, 2002
I have two cell phones. My original one is turned off though. I havent paid the bill yet.

In October I got in a accident with a 17 year old kid on his cell phone.

I cant stand drivers on cell phones.