Out-of-body experience scientifically recreated

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May 13, 2002
Experts have found a way to trigger an out-of-body experience in volunteers.

The experiments, described in the Science journal, offer a scientific explanation for a phenomenon experienced by one in 10 people.

Two teams used virtual reality goggles to con the brain into thinking the body was located elsewhere.

The visual illusion plus the feel of their real bodies being touched made volunteers sense that they had moved outside of their physical bodies.

The researchers say their findings could have practical applications, such as helping take video games to the next level of virtuality so the players feel as if they are actually inside the game.

Clinically, surgeons might also be able to perform operations on patients thousands of miles away by controlling a robotic virtual self.


For some, out-of-body experiences or OBEs occurs spontaneously, while for others it is linked to dangerous circumstances, a near-death experience, a dream-like state or use of alcohol or drugs.

One theory is that it is down to how people perceive their own body - those unhappy or less in touch with their body are more likely to have an OBE.

But the two teams, from University College London, UK, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, believe there is a neurological explanation.

Their work suggests a disconnection between the brain circuits that process visual and touch sensory information may thus be responsible for some OBEs.

In the Swiss experiments, the researchers asked volunteers to stand in front of a camera while wearing video-display goggles.

Through these goggles, the volunteers could see a camera view of their own back - a three-dimensional "virtual own body" that appeared to be standing in front of them.

When the researchers stroked the back of the volunteer with a pen, the volunteer could see their virtual back being stroked either simultaneously or with a time lag.

The volunteers reported that the sensation seemed to be caused by the pen on their virtual back, rather than their real back, making them feel as if the virtual body was their own rather than a hologram.


Even when the camera was switched to film the back of a mannequin being stroked rather than their own back, the volunteers still reported feeling as if the virtual mannequin body was their own.

And when the researchers switched off the goggles, guided the volunteers back a few paces, and then asked them to walk back to where they had been standing, the volunteers overshot the target, returning nearer to the position of their "virtual self".

Dr Henrik Ehrsson, who led the UCL research, used a similar set-up in his tests and found volunteers had a physiological response - increased skin sweating - when they felt their virtual self was being threatened - appearing to be hit with a hammer.

Dr Ehrsson said: "This experiment suggests that the first-person visual perspective is critically important for the in-body experience. In other words, we feel that our self is located where the eyes are."

Dr Susan Blackmore, psychologist and visiting lecturer at the University of the West of England, said: "This has at last brought OBEs into the lab and tested one of the main theories of how they occur.

"Scientists have long suspected that the clue to these extraordinary, and sometimes life-changing, experiences lies in disrupting our normal illusion of being a self behind our eyes, and replacing it with a new viewpoint from above or behind."

Sep 25, 2005
One theory is that it is down to how people perceive their own body - those unhappy or less in touch with their body are more likely to have an OBE.
On the contrary, buddhist monks that meditate for 12 hours a day are probably more likely to have an OBE. Great article though.. The possibilities are endless.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005

in the end, there is nothing mystic about OBE, just give research some time and all mysteries will be solved :)


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
taetae said:
^^ what happens when you die?
Most of your cells are still alive but the nervous and circulatory systems do not function any more, after a while all cells die and in the end your body is digested by bacteria and fungi back to simple compounds like CO2 and H20


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
so if this explains obe, then why are there many people who once out of their body can go to the other room and see what is happening there?

there were many reported cases of people during surgery also floating above their bodys watching the doctors operate on them.
they were able to recall things that the doctor did as the person was "unconscious"

im sure some are illusions like those explained in that report, but im also sure that theres alot more to it that just what scientists have gained understanding of.

btw , thag, i once stated that science will always be able to explain things physically, but that scientific perspective is just another "specs" that one can look through.

its kinda like is this a chair, or is it elements? or maybe this is just physics.

put them all together, including feeling logic etc, and you will be lookin at life through the right specs.
Sep 25, 2005
ThaG said:
Most of your cells are still alive but the nervous and circulatory systems do not function any more, after a while all cells die and in the end your body is digested by bacteria and fungi back to simple compounds like CO2 and H20
Right, that's what happens to your body, but what happens to your consciousness?
Jun 9, 2007
That's a sad day if the best practical use they can develop from this study is the expansion of video game physics for a more "real" feel.

Gimme a break.

And that's besides the aforementioned fact that they have no scientific explanation for how people can leave their body and recite exactly what is happening in a different location.

I take these findings with a grain of salt, all they're really doing is slightly expanding knowledge and scientific methods that have already been discovered and used in different applications.
Jun 9, 2007
2-0-Sixx said:
Probably because there is no scientific evidence that suggests this is even possible or has ever happened.
My main point is that I think we should be aiming further down the scientific food chain than coming up with a more realistic video game. Scientific garbage is all that sums up to.
Aug 26, 2002
I remember I had an uncle who told us stories of God taking my uncle (when he was asleep) and moving him accross the globe to pray for people.

I was like 13-15 years old hearing this and thinking to myself, dude is not all there!

And we have adults that eat this shit up!

May 24, 2007
i dont think your using your head with this statement. think about it. if we can separate our conscience from our actual physical body, then we can pretty much simulate anything, in real time, with all the characteristics of reality without the physical danger to our bodies.
May 24, 2007
Nebulizah said:
That's a sad day if the best practical use they can develop from this study is the expansion of video game physics for a more "real" feel.
i dont think your using your head with this statement. think about it. if we can separate our conscience from our actual physical body, then we can pretty much simulate anything, in real time, with all the characteristics of reality without the physical danger to our bodies.
Jun 9, 2007
NovaFire said:
i dont think your using your head with this statement. think about it. if we can separate our conscience from our actual physical body, then we can pretty much simulate anything, in real time, with all the characteristics of reality without the physical danger to our bodies.

Read the article again.

The researchers say their findings could have practical applications, such as helping take video games to the next level of virtuality so the players feel as if they are actually inside the game.
My point is the first thing that comes to mind shouldn't be advancing video games to the next level, we should be thinking far past that sort of nonsense. I do like the fact that they think they can make medical advancements through this research.

There's just alot more things out there we could be worrying about that dont have anything to do with video games.