opportunity for 916 artists...

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Nov 1, 2011
Hello, we are currently looking for artists out of the
Sacramento area to be featured on a project my company is working on.

If you are choosen you will be givin WORLDWIDE exposure and you will recieve the DIRECT SUPPORT slot for shows in your area, where headcounts sometimes reach over 10,000 for sacramento area.

We are looking for artists with a strong fanbase in Sacramento and Northern California that need promotion in other market places in the US and Internationally!

we ask that you meet the following crtiteria:

1. You MUST have put out a project (CD, DVD, Music Sampler) in the last 2 years and had a strong response in Sacramento/ NOR CAL.

2. You MUST be working on a current project with a release date set for the next 12 months.

3. You MUST have social networking sites or website updated with curent photos, music, etc...

if you meet the criteria please send email to [email protected]

thank you for your time.


Apr 25, 2002
Thats alot to ask from a person asking for free music. The mutual exchange would be an unknown person giving you free music in exchange to be on a project that he hopes you are going to promote. Like what kind of promotion are you going to do to insure that they gain proper exposure for giving you free music? Just saying.
Nov 1, 2011
never asked for free music... We are not working on a compalation and we are not in the business of taking advantage of artists.

As for the promotion details, that will all be explained in a follow up email. I wasnt trying to post all the details on SICCNESS... if you, as a moderator or artists, would like more details feel free to contact me. [email protected]


Apr 25, 2002
I was just asking an educated question. Dont need any details, actually already had a label with national distribution and released about 8 projects. I do consulting now. I was just reading into your post and was trying to figure out the logic of how an artist can actually benefit. Not trying to tear down your hustle. Im actually happy people still have the heart to hustle in the music industry, you just have to have the knowledge to follow behind it. Keep it up. If you need a consultant or design and marketing send me a shout. Stay up.