Sup homiez i Need all u homiez opiNioN aye.... I waz goNa crop my pitt DeeBo'z earz but theN i started to woNder if he would look good cuz he has oNe ear white N tha other stripped.... What Yall Homiez thiNk ? If U Homiez caN take oNe of hiz piccz N fuck arouNd with it like oN photoshop or somiN N show me how he would look with hiz earz cropp i'd appreciate it alot that iz if it caN be doNe if NOt juss leme kNow ur opiNioN i waNa kNow Now while he'z still youNg.... Got Better picz of him at I couldNt post thoze cuz they waz too big 4 here