Who said im not open minded?I know conspiracies exsist..and i KNOW the government is crooked...i just dont give a fuck...and imnot gonna WASTE my time on it when i have other important shit to do...
Yes, did you really just ask this question? Are you fucking stupid?
No muthahfucka...are you???
We as people can start by knowing about it, and spreading knowledge. Then we the people can take action against our government for committing crimes and breaking the rules in which they bestow upon the american citizens that run this country...
KNowing and spreading it...yeah thats really gonna make the government clean up its act...cmon bro be realistic...the government aint gonna change just cus a bunch of paranoid people thinks its wrong...
You ask a question and provide and answer for us, how nice of you.
Youre welcome.
We dont? how do you figure? please explain how the people of this country have no power? please, then when your finished explain why most of the people in this country are too ignorant and brainwashed to even for a second consider some of these conpiracies...thanks.
If you think THIS country expresses all the deifintions of a true "democracy"...that youre an idiot.They give us CHOICES...instead of us making all our OWN choices.I didnt want BUsh on the ballot.Who did???
Look buddy...i know shit goes on thats sneaky and coniving...the point is...I DONT GIVE A FUCK....i dont spend housr upon hours figuring out every move of the government...i go to school...i make money...i fuck women...I HAVE A LIFE....maube people should stop dwelling on shit they CANT change..and start LIVING....just a suggestion..
Evidence of people giving into power. You are a product of the united states government. Have a nice day.
GIving in?No...just moving on with life and solving problems that i KNOW for a FACT i can solve....im a product of not giving a fuck...
YOU have a nice day.