Open Letter to Palatinians

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Jul 10, 2002
This is a fwd of a fwd of a fwd of a fwd: ect... thought I'd share it with y'all

Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Open Letterto Palestinians

A friend sent this to me in June while I was on vacation. Another
friend of his had sent it to him. I wanted to share it because I also
support the premise of the open letter. If I were to write the
comments his friend wrote below as an introduction, I would have
written "I could only hope that every Jew, every Christian, and most
definitely every Muslim throughout the world understood the issue as
well as he does."


My friend wrote the following:

This an e-mail which I received this morning. It is an outstanding
piece of writing from a man in New Zealand who claims to be an agnostic.
I could only hope that every Jew and every Christian throughout the
world understood the issue as well as he does! PLEASE - read it -
print it out - keep it for future reference - forward it to everyone
you know!, but please do something with it !




Greetings to any Palestinian who may be reading this. My name is David
White. I am a citizen of New Zealand, a small, Western, nominally
Christian country in the South Pacific Ocean. I am not Jewish, or
Christian, I guess I'm vaguely agnostic.

Writing this letter is a good way for me to discuss the horrible mess
in the Middle East, spell out as many relevant points as possible
concerning the state of the Palestinian people, and to see what can be
made of them. I don't speak Arabic, so I can only communicate with
English-speaking Palestinians.

There aren't many here in NZ, though, and I haven't yet met any. I
don't know how many will ever see these words, but, here's hoping
someone does.I have a post-graduate university education, and I
suppose I could be called an intellectual. Unfortunately, many such
people have supported abhorrent ideologies such as Nazism, and
continue to support Communism, so I refuse to describe myself in this
way. I don't want to be considered as another "trendy leftie"
academic, as we would say in NZ. So, unlike many university-educated
types, I am anti-totalitarian, pro-peace up to a point, pro-democracy,
pro-capitalism.,(except the capitalists running Enron), and skeptical
about the "cult of victimhood." I'm quite safe here in New Zealand,
and no-one I know has been killed by a Palestinian.

My perspective of Palestinians is something like this - you're Arabs
(of course), mostly Muslim, but with a Christian minority. Many of you
live outside Gaza/West Bank, mostly in Jordan and other Muslim
countries, with some groups living in Western countries as well. You
feel that you have been wronged by Israel and are fighting to destroy

As for my perspective on Israel, I see them like this: They are a
mainly Jewish, small, free-market democracy with a large Arab minority
surrounded by hostile Arab dictatorships. They have an ancestral claim
to Israel, their state was created as a refuge from persecution, they
have a right to exist, and, having survived a holocaust in Europe,
they should not have to sit still and wait for another one in the
Middle East.


Over the last few months, the conflict in the disputed territories of
Gaza and the West Bank has turned into a war between the Palestinian
people and Israel. (I will not apologize for using the term
"disputed", as I believe it reflects a rather complicated situation
more accurately than "occupied").

Your interpretation, as far as I can tell, seems to be something like
this:You have no state of your own, and you are fighting a war against
those you call "Zionist oppressors" and "colonial imperialists", in
order to create a Palestinian state. Accusations of massacre and human
rights violations by the Israeli Army are being tossed around like
confetti. Your late leader, Yasser Arafat used to brag that he would
"martyr" himself rather than "surrender", and that bungling and
incompetent organization, the United Nations (again, no apologies for
venting personal opinions), is trying to do what it is
constitutionally incapable of doing, i.e. "saving future generations
from the scourge of war".

The Israelis see things differently, of course. For them, it's a
simple battle for survival. They offered you a state, and you attacked
them instead. They have occupied Palestinian towns, have fought it out
with various armed groups, and desperate attempts are being made by
the US, other Arab countries and the UN to break the so-called "cycle
of violence". As a result, the Palestinian situation at the moment
generally, can be explained by putting it into New Zealand idiom, put
bluntly, the Palestinian people are buggered. Munted. Stuffed.
Rooted(American equivalent=screwed. British equivalent: done over).
It's like this: Yasser Arafat had turned down the Israeli offer of a
Palestinian homeland in Gaza and the West Bank. You want, or Arafat
claims that you wanted, a Palestine "from the river to the sea;" in
other words, "all or nothing".

There is one insuperable obstacle to this- Israel. No matter how
eloquent your arguments or numerous your martyrs, no matter how many
European diplomats are angered by, or UN resolutions are passed
against, Israel, the Israelis are not going to pack up and leave. The
only way you will get the Palestinian state you want is by destroying

This is what you have been trying to do since 1948, and the current
"intifada" launched in 2000 is your latest effort. However, the
Israelis are not standing there and letting you kill them. They are
fighting back, and if they have to choose between their own survival
and yours, guess which choice they'll make.

A vast wringing of hands, a great fluttering of Diplomats. That has
been the overall response to the disaster you have created for
You, the Palestinian Arabs, are obviously hoping for some kind of
international intervention to save you. As we in New Zealand would
say, "Get Real!".

The European Union and the UN have demonstrated on numerous occasions
in the past their incompetence and total incapacity to take any sort
of firm action without American leadership. Ask your Muslim brothers
of Bosnia-Herzegovina, about how effective the EU and the UN were in
protecting them without American intervention. In spite of the
impression that American diplomatic efforts have created, the US will
not take sides against Israel, and will eventually abandon its futile
attempts at evenhandedness. If they do join forces militarily with
Israel in their war against terrorism, your fighters will be snuffed
out like candle flames.

As for your "beloved Arab brothers" in the Middle East, they make a
great deal of noise about your "liberation struggle", and have sent
money and arms, but have not sent a single tank to save you. Their
diplomatic proposals are ones that could have been offered at any
time, and are aimed at benefiting them, not Palestinians.The Egyptians
themselves will not declare war on Israel unless they receive $100
billion to cover their costs.

Do you really believe that the rest of your Arab Muslim brothers think
you are worth that much? Do you really believe they will put your
interests ahead of their own? Although your friends and Arabs in
Europe are passing sanctions and burning synagogues in your support,
not a single EU warship has sailed to your aid, and not a single NATO
aircraft has dropped a single bomb on your "Zionist oppressors".

I have noted that large numbers of people, including university
educated intellectuals support the Palestinian cause. Don't be misled
by this. No matter how many western intellectuals, news media and
international organisations may support the Palestinian struggle, none
of this matters because America stands by Israel.


How did you get into such a mess? As you yourselves would say and have
indeed said on many occasions, it isn't your fault. It's always the
"Great Satan" America, and it's "Lesser Satan", Israel, that you blame
for all your woes. Everything that you do, such as your "martyrdom
operations", are described as the products of your"rage" at

of your land", and of your "helplessness" in the face of "Zionist"

There are only 300 million Arabs against over 5 million Jews! How
unfair! How unjust, that so many can do so little against so few! A
number of Western commentators have put Arab failures down to numerous
cultural factors, not the least being Islam. Your religious beliefs in
martyrdom and jihad, coupled with a total inability to accept any
blame for your own predicament, have combined to do you great and
lasting damage.

Look closely at why Western countries such as Israel have succeeded,
and Muslim countries have not. Western countries are free-market
democracies.Muslim countries (other than Turkey) aren't. Surely that
should tell you something.

As I said, I do not, and I will not, support the Palestinian cause.
Why not? I have a number of reasons, and here they are:

1. You have made it clear beyond any shadow of doubt that you intend
to destroy Israel and kill or drive out its Jewish population. This is
genocide, pure and simple. You justify this by saying that Israel has
committed many crimes against your people, and that you seek "justice".
I say this in response- NOTHING WHATSOEVER is an acceptable
justification for genocide. Loss of land, humiliation at being
militarily defeated - others have suffered these and moved on to
create new nations and opportunities for themselves.

Examples abound- the Germans thrown out of East Prussia in
Europe,1945, the Nationalist Chinese who fled to Taiwan in 1949, to name
but two.
Germans and Taiwanese have coped with military defeat and the loss of
land. They haven't warred with their neighbours, nor have they
launched terrorist attacks upon them. Both countries have more wealth
than any Arab nation. Why can't Palestinians cope? Are Germans and
Chinese better able to deal with adversity than Arabs?

2. You have accused the Israelis of "genocide" against you. Here's a
question for you: Israel has atomic bombs and powerful military forces.
If they really, truly wanted you all dead, they could easily do it.
Why haven't they? If the Israelis went all-out, you would be, as we
say in New Zealand,"dog tucker". Why did they spend so much time
negotiating with your leaders? Because Israel wants peace and secure
borders. You refuse to give them even those. You plan genocide and
accuse Israel of the same crime. Prove it!

3. The use of terrorism. Killing people for being Jewish is despicable.
Terrorist attacks on innocent civilians are also despicable. (At this
point, I'd like to pause and get a question of nomenclature cleared
up, regarding those Palestinians who kill themselves and others with
explosives strapped to their bodies. You call them "martyrs". Western
media sources and academics debate the precise term to use in
describing them. Others, including the Israelis, call them
terrorists.I have a better, more appropriate term. I prefer to use the
word "kamikazes". The original kamikazes appeared in 1944, in the war
in the Pacific. They were Japanese Navy and Army pilots,organized into
"Special Attack Units"
with orders to crash their planes into American warships, in the hope
of destroying them - "one plane, one ship". Their initial impact was
similar to that of the Al-Qaeda attacks on New York Twin Towers and
the Pentagon-shock and horror. (I noted that many Palestinians
appeared on Western TV celebrating the September attacks). Note: The
American response, in both cases was not the one hoped for.

Once the shock had worn off, the US set out to destroy the kamikazes,
and terrible destruction was rained down on Japan, ending only with 2
atomic bombs. You know what is happening right now in Afghanistan to
the Al-Qaeda group.

Using children as suicide bombers. Anyone who teaches children to
kill themselves in suicide attacks is not worth supporting under any
circumstances. For you to do this to your children is an abomination.
A commentator on a Web magazine said that if the Palestinians laid
down their arms, they would get peace and land. If the Israelis laid
down their arms they would be killed. You know that is true, even if
most of Europe doesn't.

Your cause is evil, because it seeks destruction at any price.
Genocide is not justice. Sacrificing your own children for the sake of
your leader's personal ambitions is wicked.



The Second World War in Europe ended with Hitler's suicide. He was
replaced by Admiral Doenitz who quickly made peace with the Allies.
Japan's leader, Emperor Hirohito, decided on surrender rather than see
his nation destroyed.

If Arafat had chosen surrender, though, will the rest of the
Palestinians go along with it? He died. Did the war end? If the answer
to both of these questions is No, then the Palestinian people are
doomed. Do you really prefer death as a people? Do you fully
comprehend what you are doing? If you are indeed aware that the path
you have embarked upon leads to destruction, and if you have freely
chosen to walk in that direction, then as a people you are truly
beyond hope.

Are Palestinians really going to be a "Kamikaze Nation"? Are you
really going to give Israel no other option except your destruction?
If they must choose, then as Israeli historian Martin Van Creveld
said, "better a terrible end than terror without end".

Do not think that kamikaze tactics can get you what you want. The
Israelis can tell you all about Masada, if you ask them. Remember what
happened to the Japanese at places like Okinawa and Iwo Jima.
Palestinians deserve better than the current mess you are in now - but
before you can be given anything, you must offer a sincere peace, you
must stop teaching your children to hate, you must stop believing that
"victimhood" justifies everything and - above all other things - GIVE
UP ISRAEL! Accept that you will never go there again except perhaps as
workers or tourists. Accept that Jews are human beings too. Accept the
verdict of 1948 and learn to live with it. Invest in banks, not bombs.
Build computer chips, not Kalashnikovs. Teach science and mathematics,
not hate. Look to the future, not the past. Stop blaming Americans and
Jews for all your problems, and take responsibility for your own
actions. Read those parts in the Quran about living with the "peoples
of the Book".

Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime minister, is quoted as saying "
there will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their
children more than they hate Israel ". Every time I see pictures of
Palestinian children waving guns and wearing dummy explosives, then I
can only say she is right. The alternative to peace is not victory but
death. Think about it- before it's too late.

From an Infidel to Those Who Submit, and are living in the Holy Land -
May God grant you steadfastness in the face of things that cannot be
changed, the capacity to cope with those that can be changed, and the
wisdom and the ability to tell the difference.
Dec 25, 2003
"Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime minister, is quoted as saying "
there will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their
children more than they hate Israel ". Every time I see pictures of
Palestinian children waving guns and wearing dummy explosives, then I
can only say she is right. The alternative to peace is not victory but
death. Think about it- before it's too late."

There will be *some* peace or *more* peace in the Middle East when Israelis get the fuck out of the Occupied territories.
Aug 13, 2005
and we are suppose to believe this is written from someone from new zealand with no religous ties? waste of my time...heres what the israeli leaders have said regarding their wanting of peace

"We must expel Arabs and take their places." -- David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."-- David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

"There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"-- Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.

"Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country."-- David Ben Gurion, quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky's Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan's "Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."-- Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."-- Golda Meir, March 8, 1969.

"This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."-- Golda Meir, Le Monde, 15 October 1971

"The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple."-- Yitzhak Shamir, Maariv, 02/21/1997.

"(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls."-- Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."-- Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."-- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't grab will go to them."
-- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
^ Good quotes, but (aside from all but three of them being over 20 years old) you missed the point of the article - Israelis will give land to the Palestinians outside of Israel. Yes they are Zionist, yes they want to get rid of the Arabs, but they are at least offering an alternative that the Palestinians shut down.

I'm not for or against either country. They're both fucking idiots. But at least the Jews have come up with some other kind of solution.
Aug 13, 2005
Stealth said:
^ Good quotes, but (aside from all but three of them being over 20 years old) you missed the point of the article - Israelis will give land to the Palestinians outside of Israel. Yes they are Zionist, yes they want to get rid of the Arabs, but they are at least offering an alternative that the Palestinians shut down.

I'm not for or against either country. They're both fucking idiots. But at least the Jews have come up with some other kind of solution.
Im ALL for having a state of israel side by side to a palestenian state, but the offer that was given to the palestenians 6 years ago was a joke. They had no control over their borders, they wouldnt own the water sources on the west bank, settlements in the west bank will still be there connected by roads with israeli soldiers (checkpoints) so in reality what is the difference, to me its still occupation.
Apr 25, 2002
Stealth said:
^ Good quotes, but (aside from all but three of them being over 20 years old) you missed the point of the article - Israelis will give land to the Palestinians outside of Israel. Yes they are Zionist, yes they want to get rid of the Arabs, but they are at least offering an alternative that the Palestinians shut down.

I'm not for or against either country. They're both fucking idiots. But at least the Jews have come up with some other kind of solution.

If i stole $100,000 from you. You knew i did it and confront me, but instead of giving you the money back i say "Stealth, here's $1, be happy that you're getting anything back". would you . . .

A. Say "Gee thanks CB, you're so generous, i mean at least i get $1 back"

B. Say "Fuck you, i want all back it's mine to begin with, all you did was steal it from me"
Feb 25, 2006
the british and french fucked over the arabs after world war I...muslims were promised an arab nation state by the brits and french for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire...instead, the brits and french took control of the middle east after the fall of the empire...

religious conflict ensued, and the brits and french were forced to give up their control...the region known as Isreal was given to the Jews, when in fact it was promised to the Arabs for their help in eliminating the Ottoman Empire...

Learn about the infamous "Sykes-Picot Agreement" if u think i'm bullshittin...


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
If i stole $100,000 from you. You knew i did it and confront me, but instead of giving you the money back i say "Stealth, here's $1, be happy that you're getting anything back". would you . . .
I get what you're saying...but lets take it a step further.

During the reparations thread, everybody pretty much unanimously agreed that the ancestors of slaves were still wronged and deserved any type of reimbursement/apology that they could possibly get, even though they themselves had never been slaves.

In the same token, the Jews originally lived in Israel. They were driven from it, but they took it back. The ancestors of the Jews were still wronged and deserve any type of reimbursement/apoogy that they could possibly get (which was done in the form of taking back Israel), even though they themselves had never lived in Israel.

So you could look at it as the Jews took Israel from the Palestinians. Or you could take it back a step further and say that the Palestinians took Israel from the Jews.

I think my point is that there is no right or wrong. Depending on your perspective, you can pretty much justify an action by either country. Hence the fact that this is still a hotly debated issue 60 years later.


Apr 25, 2002
Stealth said:
I get what you're saying...but lets take it a step further.

During the reparations thread, everybody pretty much unanimously agreed that the ancestors of slaves were still wronged and deserved any type of reimbursement/apology that they could possibly get, even though they themselves had never been slaves.

In the same token, the Jews originally lived in Israel. They were driven from it, but they took it back. The ancestors of the Jews were still wronged and deserve any type of reimbursement/apoogy that they could possibly get (which was done in the form of taking back Israel), even though they themselves had never lived in Israel.

So you could look at it as the Jews took Israel from the Palestinians. Or you could take it back a step further and say that the Palestinians took Israel from the Jews.

I think my point is that there is no right or wrong. Depending on your perspective, you can pretty much justify an action by either country. Hence the fact that this is still a hotly debated issue 60 years later.

There is NO WAY to prove the majority of the so-called "jews" inhabiting Israel are HEBREW. You have the ability to prove the majority of african americans came from slaves. Why else would they be here or how would they have gotten here? With the so-called jews you hit a BIG roadblock when you try to connect them to the land through bloodline, and that roadblock is those who claim to be jews (like a lot of the euro jews) can't provide any evidence linking them to a single tribe of Israel.
Apr 25, 2002
Stealth said:
During the reparations thread, everybody pretty much unanimously agreed that the ancestors of slaves were still wronged and deserved any type of reimbursement/apology that they could possibly get, even though they themselves had never been slaves.
European Jews got money and apology.

Stealth said:
In the same token, the Jews originally lived in Israel. They were driven from it, but they took it back.
Jews lived in Palestine throughout the time it was ruled by christians, muslims, ottomans, british/french, UN. The ones that "took it back" were european jews that never lived there.

Did anyone in the reparations thread advocate the seizure of Angola(example) for the repatriation and creation of a home land for black people currently in the U.S.?

That would be pretty absurd don't you think?

If not . . . i want you to go to the UN for me and tell them i want a country for myself and my kin carved out of Europe for the wrongs done to me(even though i've never been there and it's been generations since my family was "forced out") so i can go settle there. If some people live there already they'll just have to leave or else face getting shot by me for being on MY land. All those houses they built and crops they've planted, well they'll just have to get bulldozed because they are in the way of my rightful place in the world.


Apr 25, 2002
@CB I know your post wasn't directed at me, but I had to comment on a couple of things.

European Jews got money and apology.

Jews lived in Palestine throughout the time it was ruled by christians, muslims, ottomans, british/french, UN. The ones that "took it back" were european jews that never lived there.
Pretty much.

Did anyone in the reparations thread advocate the seizure of Angola(example) for the repatriation and creation of a home land for black people currently in the U.S.?
No, but in the illegal immigration thread people DID advocate taking parts of afrika. I am against it for several reasons. First being, the majority of blacks do not know what tribes or areas they come from. You could have one person claiming to be from one part of afrika but actually be from a different area. In addition, afrikans already have an infrastructure in place, and while some are already in turmoil, adding more people (especially people who know NOTHING about the culture) is going to create more problems.

That would be pretty absurd don't you think?

If not . . . i want you to go to the UN for me and tell them i want a country for myself and my kin carved out of Europe for the wrongs done to me(even though i've never been there and it's been generations since my family was "forced out") so i can go settle there. If some people live there already they'll just have to leave or else face getting shot by me for being on MY land. All those houses they built and crops they've planted, well they'll just have to get bulldozed because they are in the way of my rightful place in the world.
Whats interesting about this si that is EXACTLY what happened with the so-called jews and they are currently violating the Balfour Agreement.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
If not . . . i want you to go to the UN for me and tell them i want a country for myself and my kin carved out of Europe for the wrongs done to me(even though i've never been there and it's been generations since my family was "forced out") so i can go settle there. If some people live there already they'll just have to leave or else face getting shot by me for being on MY land. All those houses they built and crops they've planted, well they'll just have to get bulldozed because they are in the way of my rightful place in the world.
I just got off the phone with Kofi. He said no dice. Sorry man. Haha.
May 13, 2002
Jeez, all this shit is causing me a big headache. I think I'm going to follow our presidents footsteps and just try to forget about everything, maybe when I open my eyes everything will be alright again...

As Mideast Crisis Grows, Bush Invites ‘American Idol’ To The White House, vacation follows shortly after

Bush plans to host “American Idol” Taylor Hicks and the other Top 10 finalists next Friday in the Oval Office.

After that, President Bush starts his vacation in Crawford, Texas, which is expected to last from August 3-14 and August 23-27.



Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Wow. "I'm the worst president ever. I crashed planes into a building killing my own people so that I could justify going to war with Afghanistan so that I could stabilize their government and set up a pipeline, protecting oil interests, which would in effect keep America as a world superpower. I then decided to invade Iraq and tie up my daddy's loose ends, citing WMD's, although I'll never find them. I will, however, give an exclusive contract to Haliburton so that Donny can make some money. Afterwards, I'll put pressure on North Korea, Iran, Syria, and the Palestinians and get the Christians involved in this little Jewish/Arabic tirade. But HOW in God's name am I ever gonna get the American people to trust me again? Oh! I know! I'll invite the fucking AMERICAN IDOLS to come hang out with me..."

Fucking ass...


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
Jeez, all this shit is causing me a big headache. I think I'm going to follow our presidents footsteps and just try to forget about everything, maybe when I open my eyes everything will be alright again...

As Mideast Crisis Grows, Bush Invites ‘American Idol’ To The White House, vacation follows shortly after

Bush plans to host “American Idol” Taylor Hicks and the other Top 10 finalists next Friday in the Oval Office.

After that, President Bush starts his vacation in Crawford, Texas, which is expected to last from August 3-14 and August 23-27.

he has the most important role in the united stated and he still takes time off?
shit i've been working for 4+ years and i still havn't gotten a "vacation"(which would only last a mesely week)......bastard!