One World Wonder left standing

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I was doing some research on the 7 Wonders of the Ancient world, thinking maybe I should go around the world and check them out. That's until I came accross a very disturbing little tidbit - there's only 1 left.

1. The Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) the oldest of the 7 wonders and the only one still in existence.
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq) - Destroyed, historians still argue if it even existed in the first place.
3. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece) - Removed from Greece by a Roman emperor, eventually destroyed.
4. The Temple of Artemis/Ephesus (Turkey) - Dismantled by the Knights of Malta. The brick and marble was reused to build a crusader castle.
5. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Turkey) - Destroyed by invaders.
6. The Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) - Destroyed by invaders. The Colossus was taken apart and sent to an Arabian merchant on the backs of 1,000 camels.
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria (Egypt) - Worn away, destroyed by invaders.

It seems like world conquest has done nothing more than destroy the artifacts of ancient cultures. After reading through all this stuff, it sounds like this stuff was mostly unnecessarily destroyed just because the foreign invaders had no respect for the other culture. It could have been respected and avoided. What do you think of this bullshit?

The 7 Ancient Wonders, Modern Wonders, Forgotten Wonders

^^^^ That's a pretty good site to check out, it has the Modern Wonders, Forgotten Wonders, Natural Wonders. It kept me busy for a few hours at work.
Oct 14, 2004
I did research on this for one of my classes called Ancient World. It is interesting to note that the Colossus of Rhodes is said to have been in the harbor more and not on top of the entrance of the Harbor. This is said to be doe to the structure of the ground beneath. I have been on that site before it is rather good at telling the facts about the Ancient wonders of the world. Good Post Stealth. And remember stealth that if you didnt like someone to the point of killing them you wouldnt care about destroying their artifacts or maybe you would but I doubt it for the times I mean.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I dunno man, I'm not a big fan of Iraqi's right now, but I'm not saying we should destroy every trace of their culture. I mean, I"m trained to think differently than they were a few thousand years ago though - back then it was probably sacreligious to have respect for other cultures or something.

But yeah, it said on there the Colossus of Rhodes couldn't be in the main harbor because the size of the ships at the time wouldn't have been able to make it under the legs or something like that. Most of the shit about these ancient wonders are based on ancient text. The Gardens of Babylon are not once mentioned in ancient Babylonian text, only from texts written by Romans and Greeks that visited the structure. That's why they're not sure of its exact location or if it even really existed.

I really liked checking out all of the modern wonders though - there's like 6 or 7 of them in the US which I think is pretty cool. But as I walk around the city looking at all these huge ass skyscrapers and stuff like that, I start to get the impression that modern day architecture doesn't hold a candle next to the ancient stuff. I wanna see a castle built into a hill in the middle of New York City or something like that. Something just unheard of but exquisite. I think the best structures made in America right now are football stadiums and arenas - but that's just me.
Oct 14, 2004
See I would disagree with Football Stadiums and areans as the best, let me ask you this, you live in PA so your close to me. Ever been to Cedar Point? To me those rides are some of the best architecture right now along with the opera house in France and the glass building in France. These rides are ill and if you ever rode the Top Thrill Dragster then you know exactly what iam speaking on.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
My fault. I'm not a big fan of Iraqi government. Then again I'm not a big fan of __insert country here________ government.

But yeah Rob, I'm feelin you on Cedar Point and amusement parks. That's a good ass point. The last time I went there, the Millenium was the big ride. That shit would probably be considered a world wonder back in the day.
Oct 14, 2004
Yeah it probably would. Hahah I just went adn rode the Maxair its was like 94 and hot as could be. It wasnt a good time but at least I got out of the house. Hahaha and if you really look at it as the fact that these rides have to be made just right or else the whole thing cant be built. In fact when I first went to ride the dragster the ride was closed because it was windy. So yes these are wonders as well. What I find interesting is that god gives these people the ideas and they build them. Did you ride the Wicked Twister? Thats a ride where riding in the front is awesome. It goes in a u shape back and forth and if you ride in the front you can see the sky when you go to the top and thats all you see. Its kind of scarry because if the ride fucks up later your gone. The maxair is like that its a pendulem ride that swings back and forth but where your strapped in this big circle it rotates 360 while your in the ride. Mind blowing shit man.