One step closer to immortality...[Regenerating organs]

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May 13, 2002

Mighty Mice Regrow Organs
By Kristen Philipkoski

02:00 AM Sep. 29, 2005 PT

Mice discovered accidentally at the Wistar Institute in Pennsylvania have the seemingly miraculous ability to regenerate like a salamander, and even regrow vital organs.

Researchers systematically amputated digits and damaged various organs of the mice, including the heart, liver and brain, most of which grew back.

The results stunned scientists because if such regeneration is possible in this mammal, it might also be possible in humans.

The researchers also made a remarkable second discovery: When cells from the regenerative mice were injected into normal mice, the normal mice adopted the ability to regenerate. And when the special mice bred with normal mice, their offspring inherited souped-up regeneration capabilities.

The mice, known as the MRL strain, were specially bred to develop lupus. But researchers don't know why exactly the animals' injuries heal so well.

"If we identified the molecules that allow mice that don't regenerate to regenerate ... and I think we could be close to doing that, then I think the next step is to consider what these molecules would do in individuals," said Ellen Heber-Katz, a professor of molecular and cellular oncogenesis at Wistar, located on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia.

Heber-Katz discovered the strain in 1998 accidentally while working with mice specially bred for studying autoimmune diseases.

She had pierced holes in the ears of the genetically altered mice to distinguish them from a control group, but they healed quickly with no scarring.

She and her colleagues wanted to find out what other parts of this strain of mice would grow back, so they snipped off the tip of a tail, severed a spinal cord, injured the optic nerve and damaged various internal organs.

The incredible wound-healing they observed abruptly shifted the focus of Heber-Katz's lab's research from autoimmune disease to regenerative medicine. The researchers began hunting for the specific genes that gave the mice their special powers. They are focusing on three specific genes at the moment, but she suspects that many more likely contribute to the regenerative abilities.

While some amphibians can regrow body parts, mammals for the most part do not have that ability, making this a very special mouse indeed. If the results can be translated to humans, it would be a dream come true for people who want to live forever.

"When those genes (responsible for the mice regeneration) are found, we can start to think about manipulating them in humans with drugs or (later) gene therapy, thereby enhancing our own regeneration," said Aubrey de Grey, a longevity expert and editor of the scientific journal Rejuvenation Research.

Other labs have also begun to join the investigation.

The mice seem to exhibit regenerative capabilities similar to that of human fetuses in the first trimester, said Dr. Stephen Badylak, a surgery research professor and director of the Center for Pre-Clinical Tissue Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh's McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

"It offers us insight into a more fetal-like healing response, where scar tissue is minimal and regeneration is abundant," Badylak said. "It's a great model to examine healing mechanisms and use that information to see if we can stimulate the same thing to happen in people."

Heber-Katz said she will soon publish her results on digit regrowth in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

Heber-Katz presented new data showing that the strain of mice can also grow back severed digits at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence conference in Cambridge, England. ("Engineered negligible senescence" is a fancy term for life extension.)


Sicc OG
May 14, 2002
man of course the governments gonna go for this shit...there is mad loot involved...but you may never hear about them doing so. just like the heresy said.


Oct 5, 2005
naw, what I meant was the government will not allow the general public to have any type of access to it, it would all be under the table type of shit like HERESY said..the governments already slowly killin us off for population control as it is, why would they promote something to the public thats contradicts what they've been doing for years
Jul 7, 2002
Hans said:
naw, what I meant was the government will not allow the general public to have any type of access to it, it would all be under the table type of shit like HERESY said..the governments already slowly killin us off for population control as it is, why would they promote something to the public thats contradicts what they've been doing for years

i still dont get as to why? there is major profits to be made here, and businesses are goign to have their way, since big business have the government under there thumb.


Oct 5, 2005
maybe you're not understanding that this nation (not to mention the rest od the world) is dangerously over-populated. anyone that knows theyre shit will tell you that our government's killing us off slowly and on purpose, so like i said- why would they do something that contradicts what theyve been doing for years?
Jul 7, 2002
Hans said:
maybe you're not understanding that this nation (not to mention the rest od the world) is dangerously over-populated. anyone that knows theyre shit will tell you that our government's killing us off slowly and on purpose, so like i said- why would they do something that contradicts what theyve been doing for years?

what are you talking about!?!? why would big businesses be interested in china if governments are killing off the population? becuase they are profits to be thats the bottom line, profits!!! money rulez the world, if you didnt notice


Oct 5, 2005
are you fucking stupid? just becuz ppl are dying doesnt mean generations arent going to continue buying what their forefathers bought


Apr 25, 2002
Actually the goal of the global elite IS population control and NOT profits. Profits help them control the people. Think about something for a second and follow me if you will. The medical industry (more specifically the drug industry) is a multi-billion dollar a year industry correct? Are those drugs doing more harm to people or could people find a better source of healing through holistic/alternative methods? Why are american big businesses interested in china? To make profits or to keep an eye on chinas large american reserves and the dollars competition with the yuan? What are "profits" when you have a monopoly over the printing of currency?

When teh american government allows its citizens to eat contaminated food EVERYDAY are they doing it for profit or population control?

As I stated before the government will support it off record and under the table just like it supported scientists from nazi germany after ww2.