Kaos i disagree afta she done tried to put him on blast like dat on tv he shoulda bacc handed her fa disrespectin like dat she knew tha game when she got wit him its her fault fa lettin feelins gettin involved you cant put all yo feelinz on tha table when u fuccin wit a pimp i know they had kids but he was liable to leave her ass at any time therez too many hoes an too many niggas out there too juss trip off one when shitz done itz done move on let it go find a new nigga cuz da nigga goin find a new bitch like itz been said a hoe is like a bus a new comes by every 15 minz yadada
He should have said some shit like "I'm da boss in this here neck of da woods. You know I'm ya mack daddy bitch." I wonder what Furl would have done in that situation. Thizz in Peace Playa.
He should have said some shit like "I'm da boss in this here neck of da woods. You know I'm ya mack daddy bitch." I wonder what Furl would have done in that situation. Thizz in Peace Playa.
Kaos i disagree afta she done tried to put him on blast like dat on tv he shoulda bacc handed her fa disrespectin like dat she knew tha game when she got wit him its her fault fa lettin feelins gettin involved you cant put all yo feelinz on tha table when u fuccin wit a pimp i know they had kids but he was liable to leave her ass at any time therez too many hoes an too many niggas out there too juss trip off one when shitz done itz done move on let it go find a new nigga cuz da nigga goin find a new bitch like itz been said a hoe is like a bus a new comes by every 15 minz yadada