thats the song he was doin on the memphis ug movie wasnt it ? all them memphis niggas shoulda learned to grow with the times and they would still be around ...
I don't remember that particular song, but I do remember a song by him called "Gold In My Mouth". It useta be on the main page of several years ago.
haha i remember the White GanGsta Walk...what about that fool who Got on staGe with Pretty Tony..haha...the movie was put out by Al Kapone, it was just kinda introducinG cats to memphis UG rap, had a whole bunch of Memphis rappers on there..i had to have a store in memphis send me mine...and Gold in My Mouth was a pretty coo sonG too
ratta tatta tatta tatta tatta...haha...."what is the GanGster walk??" that video was real funny..but the GanGsta Walkin in it was real tiGht, shit ain't Gay homey