This really made me think. Why the fuck does he still post here? Should we ban him? Im tired of seeing his replies to my posts, and still actually making threads with more headscratching comments. Or... Do we let him be and continue clowning and exposing for the bitch he is?
Banning Marty would be like punching a retarded kid in the head. I'd rather just clown him for being a retard. I get more entertainment over a longer period of time.
Sure Marty is gay. But it's fun to have him around so that we can all swam like vultures whenever he makes a post. I say keep him. We definitely need more characters on this site.
For us OGs characters is what we called them before nuttkase introduced the word troll.
Marty is obviously a gay ass mod trying to post gay shit without himself lookin gay. IP check anyone??? How the fuck did the poll options get changed last time?