and to the people bitchin about him giving away the ending.....yall are dumb for even opening a post with this title....what did yall think he was gonna say?
"I wonder if Tech liked this movie?"
You deserve to have the movie ruined for being so gullible, but like someone above said, he really didnt give away too much. Although if you're reading this post, you probablly read my last one in which i said that Freddy was decapitated, which gives away a little bit're dumb.
now i really can't believe that TJ and Gamble teamed up to try and free the french dude, from Unfaithful, in SWAT........i really didnt see that coming. You knew Sam Jackson, LL, Colin Farrel and the chick from fast & furious would take care of those punks though.....
sorry....i just figured if you were dumb enough to click on a post about a movie, then bitch that someone gave away the ending, but they really didnt, then someone should really give away an ending to some movie just so your complaint was justified.
this is me leaving.......this is me leaving