Obama Fried Chicken at the corner of Rockaway Parkway and Rutland Road in Brownsville. (Photo by Jefferson Siegel / April 8, 2009)
The management of Obama Fried Chicken is refusing to kowtow to demands that the Brooklyn restaurant drop the controversial name.
"We are not changing the sign," said Mohammad Jabbar, the manager of the Brownsville chicken joint. "Everyone is coming and saying they love the sign."
But a small group of black activists, including the Rev. Al Sharpton and Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn), protested outside the restaurant Monday afternoon, saying the name smacks of racism.
They are pressuring the owner to change the name to Popular Fried Chicken, as he promised to do last week.
"He is playing games," said Kevin McCall, head of Brooklyn East New York Crisis Team, an advocacy group that organized the protest. "Just take down the sign."
Jabbar said the sign cost thousands to make and install, and it has brought them business.
A White House spokeswoman said they frown on the use of a president's name for advertising.